Mystery Illness

Just today, i noticed that my bettas been acting strangely. Since I was in a hurry this morning(school has, after all, just started) I didn't check to make sure that he ate all or any of his food as i usually do. This afternoon, I saw that he constantly wedges himself under the lowest leaf of his fake plant and thus looks dead but i got him to swim out and around. When he does, however, his head dips down a little so he's swimming at an angle. Also, when he stops moving his fins(the pectoral i thinthey're called but I'm not sure--the ones on his sides) he starts to tip so that one side(not his head or back) is facing the bottom of the tank and the other is facing upward. Basically, he looks like he went belly-up only it's his side instead of his belly. The front-most area of his belly looks larger than it used to. He only recovered from fin rot about a week ago and his tank was cleaned on Sat., if any of you need to know. Does anyone have any idea what's wrong with him and how to treat it?


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Its recommended you skip feeding one day once a week. This will help reduce swim bladder issues, and will extend your bettas life. More food makes them more active which wears them out over time.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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crazy_cat, skip feeding him for a complete day. Bettas will over-eat, they don't stop when they are full. Skip a feeding day once a week. A local breeder does not like the Hakari bio-gold pellet brand because it seems to cause more frequent swim-bladder issues than HBB Betta Bites or other brands.

Missing 1 or 2 days will not hurt your fish. They can go much longer without food. Skipping 1 day a week is a good way to regulate their diet and avoid constapation.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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That sounds like good news. Yes, skip today and tomorrow. HBH betta bits (really small pellets) are better than larger pellets (Hakiri), but mixed/flake food is also good, so long as he does not over-eat!

Wait, Betta Bites are better than Bio-Gold? That's what I've been feeding Diego! My mom just bought some Bio-Gold and, even now after school, he's doing better than he was with the Bites yesterday. Was I supposed to skip two days of feeding instead of one? 'Cause after I skipped Wed. I came home to find him with the same symptoms and he had been fine that morning. Today, I fed him the other kind of food and he was just fine when I came home. Of course, I only saw him eat one so maybe that's it? :confused:

Well, as long as he's healthy...