Name my Betta


Large Fish
Apr 2, 2005
Sunny Ireland.
Hi All!

Well,my boy has become a bit of a talking peice in the house! But I still have not named him yet!

I liked some of the names posted on the other thread,but I wanted to name him after a god! After all he is worth it!:rolleyes:

So here are some of the Celtc gods I'm thinking of:

Balor (Bal-or). God of the venomous eye and the battlefield

Lugh (Lu). God of Druids.

Llyr (Lier). God of water and Sea

Mider (Mi-der). God of the underworld.

Some Irish Gods:

Anu (An-ou). God of Air,Moon,Magick and fertilty.

Dagda (Dag-da). God of the Earth.

Danu (Dan-ou) God of River,wells,water and wisdom

Labraid (Lab-raid) God of the Underworld.

What catches your eye??