So the
Haplochromis "super" genus got broken up YEARS ago. It might be a
Haplochromine but I don't think it's a Haplochromis.
The "Blue Peacock"... seems as good as any other common name
. It's blue and resembles a peacock (
Aulonocara genus) lol. There in lies the problem with common names. Any number of blue fish that has that basic body shape *could* be called a Blue Peacock.
Great example, if I said Velvet Cichlid how many people would know what I'm talking about? Probably not many... but I'm told there are some in the deep south and europe that would. If I said Peacock cichlid in referance to the same fish even fewer would know because that common name hasn't been used for decades to my knowledge. BUT old books (library perhaps) could have that listed, instantly everyone thinks of Lake Malawi
Aulonocara spp. with that name though. With either of those, if you do a search you'll get a bunch of different results than the fish I'm refering to. On the other hand if I were to say
Astronotus ocellatus, everyone who knows the scientific name instantly gets it. Those that don't know it can easily do a search and get good results.
anyone know what fish THAT is? no cheating lol.