That's it really.
Sorry to sound grumpy but there are so many threads entitled "help!" or "fish" or "tank" or "problems!" or "algae" or "plants". It's impossible to know what the thread's going to be about and it would be much more helpful for people searching through to give help, or looking for help if thread titles were less vague.
There are even threads with titles along the lines "oooh...strange!" or "what do you think?"
Instead of "help!" how about "fin rot and pop eye in betta" or "white cloudy water, fish gasping" or something.
Instead of "plants" how about "plants for low light no CO2?" or "anubias with bba on leaves".
I've started skimming over the vague threads and I bet other people do too.....and we wouldn't get so many questions repeated if people could find the advice they needed more easily.
There. Moan moan moan
Sorry to sound grumpy but there are so many threads entitled "help!" or "fish" or "tank" or "problems!" or "algae" or "plants". It's impossible to know what the thread's going to be about and it would be much more helpful for people searching through to give help, or looking for help if thread titles were less vague.
There are even threads with titles along the lines "oooh...strange!" or "what do you think?"
Instead of "help!" how about "fin rot and pop eye in betta" or "white cloudy water, fish gasping" or something.
Instead of "plants" how about "plants for low light no CO2?" or "anubias with bba on leaves".
I've started skimming over the vague threads and I bet other people do too.....and we wouldn't get so many questions repeated if people could find the advice they needed more easily.
There. Moan moan moan
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