What would be a good combo of fish and a cleanup crew for a FOWLR nano? Im just going through my list and the last thing Im going to get is the fish but I want to at least make my list now.
Okay. I like the clown option but every one around here has them and I want something different. Firefish are really interesting. And I love Gobies. I have a question, do I need special food for SW fish?
in my 10g i had a fire fish jump out and a goby so be careful... personaly i like the clowns better but clowns like anenomes and anenomes cant be kept in a 10.. so i guess yull have to just put eggcrate over the top... id go with the shrimp goby pair ;-)
eggcrate is also know as light diffusers, it is just plastic that sits ontop of the tank, totally harmless, and keeps fish from jumping while still allowing gas exchange, and it doesn't filter out light either like glass.