Natural Aquarium Vital


Small Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Any thoughts on this product? I forgot that I had a bottle of this that I never used and thought I’d give it a try on my 2.5 gallon nano cube. I’ve already been using the Hagen CO2 system but don’t get a lot of bubbles with it (been using a homemade mix with the Hagen canister and only get about 6-8 bpm). I have a 13W CF light over it, plus a standard 60W lightbulb hanging low over the aquarium from a pendant light. The plants look okay-to-good but I know they can do better (I have java fern, ludwigia, rotala macrandra, riccia and hairgrass)….

Does this stuff really work, and if so is it meant to supplement CO2 systems like Excel or can it be used alone? Or should I use it AT ALL?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I don't think I'd use anything but Excel in a tank that size. I'm not sure how you manage to put the ladder in a tank that size!

I've used Excel with good results, and wouldn't really consider another additive as a carbon source (other than Co2, of course).


Small Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Lotus said:
I don't think I'd use anything but Excel in a tank that size. I'm not sure how you manage to put the ladder in a tank that size!

I've used Excel with good results, and wouldn't really consider another additive as a carbon source (other than Co2, of course).
I wasn’t sure whether or not I should get a CO2 system at first since I heard a lot of people don’t for their nano tanks, but I wasn’t sure how well plants like riccia and rotala macrandra would do without an actual CO2 setup, even if only the Hagen system. Plus I really want pearling. All I know is the plants look a lot better and the fish seem happier and more active than ever. I’ve never tried Excel though—never seem to see it at any lfs’s in my area (LA/Pasadena area) so I’ll probably have to go online.


Small Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Lotus said:
If you're happy with a CO2 system, then stick with it.

What is your fert dosing schedule?

While pearling is nice, it's not the only indicator of good health in a planted tank. :)
I do weekly water changes and usually add fertilizer then, and a little blackwater extract. I know some people recommend using bulk fertilizers but I’ve never done that (don’t really know where to get the stuff and what to get). I just use a good, iron-enriched plant fertilizer I can pick up at the lfs. I’ve actually been adding a teeny bit of the Natural Aquarium Vital every day for the last 3 days (the bottle says to add every day the first 30 days then decrease dosage as you get closer to the results you want). So far, so good—I didn’t really get any pearling until AFTER I started using it.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
really? my plants pearl frequently and I never use any ferts or additives. I do have Flourite as a substrate though. Shouldnt all plants pearl since its part of their respiration process?