OK. When I was little was when I got my first fish. Actually, two fish. A blue little one, about the size of a goldfish, completely blue with super long flowing fins, somewhat circle-y shaped, named Blueberry, and a big fat black one, completely black with short fins and had a longer, more oval-shaped, long body. The person at Wal-Mart didn't bother to tell me that the black fish that I didn't even want but my mom made me get so the blue fish, my favorite, wouldn't get lonely, was a natural predator to the blue fish and later that day I was sitting in my room and Blackberry ate Blueberry. My mom said it was because I didn't remember to feed it, but there was proof that I fed them around the bowl when I had spilled it. Does anyone know what kind of fish that Blueberry was? My mom says I'm more 'responsible' now and that I can get another fish like that. Also, can someone give me tips on how to start a simple, single-fished fishbowl? A small one? And also, this fish was definitely NOT a tropical or saltwater fish, it was in the same tank with goldfish, so I'm thinking it's a type of goldfish or a close relative. Is there a way, also, that I could keep it bare-bottom? My friend does and her fish are fine. She just keeps them in a little... 8 inch around?? fish bowl and it is as happy as a clam, not sick or anything, and she has had it since late September in a bare-bottom bowl on her dresser. This is what I plan to do, and what I did last time before my fish ate the other one. Thanks for the help! Sorry if I need so much help!