Have a 10gal with 2 zebra danios and 2 mixed breed guppies (very tiny 3/4 inch). Need some type of fish to eat the algae off the glass. I do have gravel in the tank so I am afraid to add cories. What will work?
cories don't eat algae, but you are right about the tank being a bit small for them. I would add an otocinclus or two (they stay quite small) or some amano shrimp.
Thanks again ashleigh. My pleco that I had killed my 3 endlers Livebearers and then died himself. So I am without a fish to clean up the bits and algae around the tank.
How big do oto's get?? Is 2 fine for the 10 gal?
yikes! are you sure it wasn't a chinese algae eater? otos stay around an inch or so, they are not as messy as plecs. I would say two in a ten with your current stock would be fine.