Need advice now

Nov 5, 2009
i went my lfs to get some nerite's and they were out. the guy gave me a trumpet snal and a mystery(apple) snail to try. should i try the trumpet in the 5 gallon or the apple or both? or could one live in the frog tank(unheated) without getting gobbled. up. i need some advice quickly

Nov 5, 2009
alrigh until somebody tells me something different i am currently acclimating both snails for the 5 gallon. obviously they both wont be permanent residents. i just wanted to get them out of the fish store bag

Oct 29, 2010
The apple should be fine in a five gallon unless you have live plants, which may be munched. Just keep in mind that they are big and a bit messy, so should be counted as another fish in a small tank.

The trumpet snail may reproduce, and it/its offspring will live in the substrate, burrowing around and eating detritus :)

Nov 5, 2009
The apple should be fine in a five gallon unless you have live plants, which may be munched. Just keep in mind that they are big and a bit messy, so should be counted as another fish in a small tank.

The trumpet snail may reproduce, and it/its offspring will live in the substrate, burrowing around and eating detritus :)
ahh damnit i misstyped. i got a "trap door snail" not a trumpet. the little snails living in the gravel eating yuckys sounds kinda cool tho. haha.

ok now that i'v got my snail types together should i stick with the apple or the trap door? and could one or either surface in the unheated frog tank

Nov 5, 2009
Good plan :)

That 5gal is pretty full, huh? Have you thought about moving up to a ten?
ya i thought about it. it's very stable right now though, havn't had any deaths in months. i think what i might do this summer is move the 5 gallon fish into to the 10 gallon (which will be empty by then) and then heavily plant the 5 gallon and add a dwarf puffer

Nov 5, 2009
alright so my apple snail had a whole in his shell. i didnt think much of it because i knew that they could survive with snall holes in the shell. weeelllll this morning the cory's were going to town pulling out his guts through the whole. i walked down to the fish store with it and they let me swap it out for another trap door. i also picked up two otto's. here's my problem though. i just did a water change and i noticed that there was a tiny little baby snail on the side of the glass. was this just stuck on one of the snails i just got or did one of them give birth in the short time i had them. and if there's 1 does that mean there's more?

Oct 29, 2010
Oh, poor guy! Trapdoor snails are livebearers, but should only breed once or twice a year. So it's unlikely, but possible that way! Apples lay eggs, so that option is out.

This is a good website to see if you ended up with some other type of snail:
Snail Species List .:. Freshwater Aquarium Snail Species Information Pages

Unfortunately, otocinclus probably can't survive in your tank :(

They're super delicate. They require pristine water and aquatic plants, and shouldn't be kept in tanks under twenty gallons :/

Nov 5, 2009
Oh, poor guy! Trapdoor snails are livebearers, but should only breed once or twice a year. So it's unlikely, but possible that way! Apples lay eggs, so that option is out.

This is a good website to see if you ended up with some other type of snail:
Snail Species List .:. Freshwater Aquarium Snail Species Information Pages

Unfortunately, otocinclus probably can't survive in your tank :(

They're super delicate. They require pristine water and aquatic plants, and shouldn't be kept in tanks under twenty gallons :/
it probably is a trap door. it's not the same color, the big one is black and this one is tan but we'l see if that changes as it gets bigger.

i've kept otos in that tank before with some success. the only reason they died last time i think is that they ate all the algae and i forgot to throw in some vegies for them. but believe me there is enough algae in the tank right now to hold these guys over for a LOOONG time.