need advice on buying used tank

Jan 19, 2003
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hi all
i was gonna head down to buy a tank tomorrow but i just want some input before i do

here are the specs:

140 gallon 6ft by 2ft by 1.5ft (drilled but plugged)

1 hob filter
1 powerhead used as filter
2 heaters
1 pump
homemade stand
4 foot fluorescent light

what would you offer for this tank setup?? please specify CDN or US funds - cause i'm in canada, thanks!



Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Depending on how "used" it depends how low the people are willing to go on it. Personally I can't see spending more on a tank than what its going to spend me cleaning it up and buying replacement parts.

A lot of times the heaters are fried or have been dropped etc. You never know how good the stuff has been taken care of, so imagine that there is nothing included because you MIGHT have to replace all of it...and decide what that price is you're willing to offer. Off the top of my head I wouldn't pay more than 200 dollars for it (USD)

I bought my 140 gal from this guy for $215 US. I think he was origially asking for $250. It came w/a couple hob filters, undergravel filters, rocks, decorations, etc. Lights....driftwood. Other parts and accessories and he threw in a 30 gal hex w/ stand that he got from a garage sale that he never set up. There was no stand for the 140 though, which I ended up building myself. :cool: