Need advice on feeding of corys and kuli loaches


Small Fish
Dec 26, 2002
Bay Area Callifornia
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Im concerned that my bottom feeders may not be getting enough food. I have a 20 gal hex tank with 4 barbs 1 gurami 1 corys and 1 kuli loach and another corey just recently added.

before i added the second corey and kuli- i was feeding the fish basic flake food. I have had no problems and the fish are healthy. How do i know my bottom feeders are getting enough food? My cory is healthy and did die so he must be eating something? I recently bought so wafer type food that sinks for the corey- he seems to be attracted to it.

The tank has a medium size anubia and a drift food thats heavly mossed.

Clif notes- Basically i want to know if the coreys and kulis are getting food. The corey hasnt died yet but where is he getting food? most of the food is being eaten by the other fish


Superstar Fish
May 4, 2004
United Kingdom
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(tiny fish disclaimer - i'm no expert) Much of the flake probably reaches the bottom unseen, so the cories are doing a good job hoovering this up. They always make me think of a herd of buffalo :) - the way they line up and slowly graze along the tank. I do however give mine catfish pellets (small and fast sinking) and as they are slow swimming - this is last on the menu and directly aimed at the fish. How much to feed them - I've got no idea! I give each fish a small pellet twice day, if this too much (my guess) or too little it is for others on the board to answer.


Large Fish
May 16, 2004
Florissant, MO
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Originally posted by trouthead
I do however give mine catfish pellets (small and fast sinking) and as they are slow swimming - this is last on the menu and directly aimed at the fish.
Same here, make sure you put in something that wiill sink and make it last on the menu. Look at hte ohter fish, sometimes they will hit at food but spit it out and that gives you some idea what is getting to the bottom, but you don't want to stop there. The bottom feeders need and deserve their own food.