My brother has a small one gallon tank.
He needs advice
1. Will a fish survive whithout an air pump
2 Whatfish should he put in ?????????
PLEASE RESPOND!!!!!!!!!!!1
still, the only fish that can really go in a 5 gallon is a betta, being happy. but there are a couple of choices, a dwarf gourami, 3 african dwarf frogs, 3 kuhli loaches, but thats it. no aggressive fish.
Platys would go great in a five gallon. Just make sure if he gets platys that he gets all of them the same gender-otherwise they'd breed and you'd have a bunch of babies and nowhere to put them.
there are frogs that are totally aquatic and dont ever leave the water...african dwarf frogs stay pretty small you could put one in with a betta in a five gallon
if you want aggressive fish in a five gallon i would go with a couple dwarf puffers (they only grow to 1")...throw some ghost shrimp and snails in for them to chase and munch on
an agresssive fish? how about a smaller african cichlid? they take awhile to become full sized, so you have awhile until you need a bigger tank. but you could have only the one fish and a snail .