need advice


Medium Fish
Oct 19, 2003
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I am now looking at 220 gallon aquariums and need advice on what kind of filters to use. I don't like the UGF's but am looking towards 2 or 3 hob filters one being a biowheel. Any of you have an aquarium of this size? and what do you use??


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
I will have oscars, tinfoil barbs, and common plecos in this tank.
i would probably go with a single pleco, unless you are 100% certain of the species you are being sold.

when i bought a "common" pleco, i thought i was getting L. pardalis, which only grows to 10 inches.

instead, i was mistakenly sold a sailfin pleco" which grows to 18 inches and is intolerant of other plecos.

with oscars, tinfoil barbs and a pleco (or more) you will need heavy filtration as mentioned above.

honestly on a 220 gallon, a wet-dry system would be very well suited for the job.

if you havent already purchased your tank, you may check out whether or not you can order it pre-drilled...which would save you some work with your filtration system.

you can check out this article to see someone who built their own wet-dry, and it gives a good general picture of what you are dealing with

if you prefer not to go the wet-dry route, you will likely need a couple of canisters and a couple of HOB filters to do the job on that large of a tank.


Medium Fish
Oct 19, 2003
Visit site
I'm not buying them as I already have them. I am upgrading them from the over crowded 55 gallon aquarium they are in. I already have the 2 oscars, 2 common plecos, and 2 bristlenosed plecos.... oh yeah and I almost forgot about the crayfish cause they are always hiding ;) I am pretty sure that at work I can order a tank that is predrilled. I was looking thru the catalog last night. I am thinking that a sump may be the way to go.