Need Advice

Mar 24, 2006
Ok, so for those of you that don't remember I have a 60 Gal Uniqaruim FOWLR. Got it all set up and bought a clean up crew. Since it was a used tank that was set up, I didn't need to cycle. So after a month of just the clean up crew (which included a Peppermint Shrimp) I got 2 Perc Clowns. One was kinda acting funny at the not-so-local FS. I got him anyway. He kicked the bucket after a day. Other one is still going strong, or was. After the first one died, I've tried to introduce another clown, but all keep dying. My last one lasted 3 weeks, then my peppermint ate him. Infact the last 3 have been killed by the Peppermint.

Now my original perc that was going strong has quit eating. Is he Depressed?

I would try to get another perc to keep him company, but in total I've bought 8 and only have one to show for.(2 died in shipment from a shipping error).

All water parameters are normal. But after the deaths, I do notice a Ammonia spike till I do a water change. I need to get more live rock. Also just upgraded to Corlife compact lighting (192W).

I'm not sure what to do. I ordered a Carpet tonight, but then cancelled it, because, I'm not sure if it will help.

Please ask ?'s or tell me what you think.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
OK, some points, if you buy fish acting 'funny' expect them to die. Two, I can assure you your peppermint shrimp didn't kill any fish, but it will eat corpses. So something is killing your clowns.
My advice would be to get something else hardy like a banana wrasse, and see how that goes it might be aggression from the clown. It will now be a female - put another female in their and sparks will fly, so you need a male, meaningin a small fish.
But it concerns me you're getting an ammonia spike, just because afish dies. In a well balanced tank a dead fish will not cause an ammonia spike as the filtration will jsut 'soak it up'. I usually leave dead fish in (tho' I haven't lost anything for about 15 months now) for the clean up crew to feast on. More setup details please

Mar 24, 2006
Ok first water parameters:
pH: 8.2
Temp: 78.3
But as I mentioned, one day after the loss, I had a spike of Ammonia at 10 parts per million. Did a 10% water change and the following day Ammonia was back to zero.

I don't have any airline tubing, so I can't do the drip method. But I try to get as close as I can. I take the bag and open it and let it float in the top of my tank, clothes pin it so it won't tip over. That way my water can equalize the temp through the bag. As that is going on I slowly add water from my tank into the bag. Approximately 30mL every 15 minutes. I do this until the bag is getting full, then I pour off the water down the drain and repeat. Usually takes about an hour and a half to 2 hours.

Wayne, thanks for the advice. In the tank right now I have a Court Jester Goby who is thriving. It and the Perc are the only 2 fish. He has been in there since the last 2 clowns died. I'm not sure if this Goby answers any ?'s on something else hardy in the tank. The nearest salt store is 2.5 hours away, so if I get another fish, I'm left at the mercy of what they have. If it matters, my plans for fish in the tank were 2 percs, the Court Jester, a fairy wrasse, and a flame angel. I know the store usually has flame angels, but want to add this fish last. As for more setup details....

I bought the tank used. The guy who had it had 3 damsels in it. When I bought it I saved about 30 gallons of his water. Moved it, and set it back up (scrubbed the live rock and dead corals with salt water just to be safe). My friend who is into salt, told me since I saved the water, I could go ahead and add fish. I opted to get a clean up crew(15 assorted crabs and 15 assorted snails, peppermint shrimp and mitharax crab) and let the tank go with them for about a month and a half. Then I bought 2 percs at the fish store. I say one was acting funny. I watched them in the store for about an hour. The one that I have that is still alive would swim up beside the other one and rub up against him. When he did this, the "funny" one would "shiver". After the 3 hour drive, acclimated him, and he lasted about 16 hours. After that I bought 2 clowns at seperate times and tried to introduce them individually. No luck. Then I went to online with ordering pairs. Figured if one died, I'd still have my pair of clowns I want. Did this twice, no luck.

I know I need more live rock. I have ~10 lbs of actual live rock in my tank. Then about 20-25 lbs of base and Lace rock. The rest is dead corals for decoration(cat paw, barnical, acropora,...) I'm planning on getting some fiji from liveaquaria in the near future to replace all the lace and base in my system.

Now symtoms of the clown. I first thought he was sick. He has no appetite, now having loss of color, and also some light color blotches showing up. I've also noticed him panting, which he never did before. All this started after the last clown died. At first my friend thought he was sick, so we medicated my tank with Quinsulex for 5 days, medicating every other day as per instructions. The clown still will not eat, or eats very little as compared to before this started. If tried frozen brine, frozen mysis, prime reef flakes, brine shrimp plus flakes, and cyclopeeze granules.

I don't want to lose this clown, and even more, don't want to lose my prized and favorite fish, the Goby.

Anymore ?'s, please ask. And thanks for the help and responses so far.

Mar 24, 2006
KahluaZzZ Thanks.

Looked through the link. Closest thing sounds like Brooklynella. Only most say that the fish will perish in a few days after symptoms, and mine is going on 3 weeks. Also, may explain why I've lost ever clown after this one. So, should I order some Formalin and try to find an Eclipse for a HT fast? Also, if it is Brooklynella, and I quarantine my clown, what do I have to do to get rid of it in my display tank?

Mar 24, 2006
KahluaZzZ thanks again.

I understand the dip, and the quaranteen tank. But if I get an Eclipse and dip the fish and get him healthly. What do I need to do to the main tank? I'm assuming I'll have to do something to get rid of the protoza that are in the main tank.

PS-I tried to stop the carpet, but unfortunatly I couldn't, so it will be here tommorrow.

I'll try to get some good pics so maybe I can get your opinion on if it looks like Brooklynella.