It looks like we need to separate some angel fish we were given before one gets killed (there are 3 - 4th one recently died, causing feuding). This was unexpected, so I don't really have much of a budget for it.
I'd like at least a 10g tank for a lone angel (now 3.5"), but would prefer a bigger one. I saw a 12g eclipse system at big al's, which looks tempting:
Would I be able to get a bigger tank for the same price if I get them separately?
Are the eclipse systems good systems, or should I just try to get a tank, and a good HOB filter - oh, and a heater? What would be a good filter to get? I've read about penguins, emperors, or whisper filters, but no manufacturer's claims measure up to personal experience.
Thanks for sharing your expertise.
I'd like at least a 10g tank for a lone angel (now 3.5"), but would prefer a bigger one. I saw a 12g eclipse system at big al's, which looks tempting:
Would I be able to get a bigger tank for the same price if I get them separately?
Are the eclipse systems good systems, or should I just try to get a tank, and a good HOB filter - oh, and a heater? What would be a good filter to get? I've read about penguins, emperors, or whisper filters, but no manufacturer's claims measure up to personal experience.
Thanks for sharing your expertise.