Need aquarists anonymous...


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I had some running around to do today and in the process, stopped into a LFS that I haven't visited in decades.. Great time. That should have been the first red flag.

Then stopped at Petsmart on my way home and picked up a Marineland 10gal tank kit, a bag of Floramax substrate, an anubus and a java fern plant. Ugh.. I'm in deep now.. My 29 isn't even cycled yet and I started another.


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Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Yep, thanks OC. I've got the plants secured, basically sitting on the substrate. The fern to a shell, the anubus between some rocks.

FD, the Floramax was $16 for the bag. Only needed about 3/4 of it for the little 10gal.

It's a nice kit. Penguin bio-wheel HOB filter, real nice LED full hood with day/moonlight settings, 50watt heater & some accessories. Under $60. I could barely get the tank and hood for $60 at the LFS.

Have a perfect spot for it on the counter between the sink and wall in our laundry/mud room. Talk about EASY water changes!

All in was ~$90 for the kit, substrate and 2 plants. Shhhh.. I kind of under-estimated the $$ a little to the darling bride..



Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY

Yep, pet chains for equipment and lfs for fish. Thats the way I do it too.
I hate to do it. I'd rather do all my buying from mom/pop shops, but it's just not feasible.

I could have gotten a higher quality fluorescent light/hood with the tank at the LFS, but I would have had to spend $100+ total to get a filter and heater with it.

You wonder how the little guys do it. Their pricing on fish was excellent too. The Pearl Gourami was under $4 IIRC. Stuff like zebra danios were 2 for a buck, etc. I'm excited to get back there...



Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
You know you're getting too used to ammonia dosing (fishless cycle), when you dose your 10gal directly from the bottle and get it dead nutz on at 4ppm ammo.

I also popped into Petco today to check out their plant selection. In addition to the java fern and anubus nana, I added an Argentine sword (echinodorus argentinensis). Like a goof, I also picked up an aqua fern (trichomanes javanicum). Best I can tell, this isn't even an aquatic plant! Of course it's planted and the container mostly mangled. !@##$%

Oh.. and they had an open box Aqueon 10gal kit with a fluorescent hood marked to $41. Untouched aside from one top flap torn open. Darn it! LOL.


Feb 27, 2009
I added an Argentine sword (echinodorus argentinensis).
While this sword can be grown submerged, it gets HUGE. It can also be kept as a house plant. There is arguing in the scientific community over the correct scientific name. Some say its Echinodorus grandiflorus. See this link for how big it can get: echinodorus argentinensis (argentine sword) emersed

Like a goof, I also picked up an aqua fern (trichomanes javanicum). Best I can tell, this isn't even an aquatic plant!
You are 100% correct: not aquatic, despite the 'trade name' given to it. It may take a month or so to exhaust its food reserves before it decays, but decay it will :(

This site's 'non-aquatic plant' section is very helpful to steer you clear of known aquatic-plant-wanna-be plants! - Plant Guide


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have noticed that Petsmart here is labeling its plants "Aquatic" and "Non-Aquatic" and I have actually heard employees warning customers to take note of that.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Want a good chuckle? How's this for the $4 Petco/Pestmart Aqua Fern?

I haven't a clue on how to maintain an "aqua fern", but I put pea gravel in the bottom. Some soil in the middle and a pinch of FloraMax on top.
