Need Bottom feeder besides corys...


Medium Fish
Apr 25, 2003
San Diego
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Hey all, I need some advice:

I would like to get some bottom feeders to clean up my gravel. I have a planted tank with primarily tetras, and the ghost shrimp don't seem to last too long in my tank. I don't know if it is plant tabs or what. I don't want corys because the gravel is kind big, sort of resembles crushed shells, and wouldn't be real friendly on their barbels. Any good suggestions?

How big of a tank are we talking? If its reasonable sized, kuhli loaches are always a good option, I think they'll be fine w/ the sharp gravel. Also cherry barbs are basically bottom feeders. they'll do anything for extra food. The only thing is is that the females do most of the scouring the gravel so you would have to get a school mainly of females. I have 7 (6 F, 1 M) in my 24 gallon and they keep the gravel pretty clean.


Medium Fish
Apr 25, 2003
San Diego
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The gravel doesn't seem to be sharp, not like lava rock or anything. I have a 46 gal Bowfront, not long, so I don't know if that is okay for a kuhli loach or not. I wanted to avoid a bristlenose because I thought it would eat my plants.

Thanks for the help!

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Large Fish
Jun 7, 2003
Phila. Burbs
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Bristlenose only eat the algae & leave the plants unharmed. I've seen these guys graze the algae clean off a leaf with no ill effects at all, great fish. I have a female that was given to me 4+yrs. ago & she was 8yrs old at the time, that makes her my oldest fish clocking in at 12 & still doing a great job with the algae. I'd also recomend all loaches as bottom dwellers, such as skunks....Rich


Medium Fish
Apr 25, 2003
San Diego
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I have a few Ottos NOKI, but I would need a LOT for my 50 gal. Plus the attrition rate is pretty high for them. I like them, like shrimp too, but neither of them last. I am not sure I want a bunch of loaches running around, plus I am not familiar with them. I wish I could have a couple of corys, they rule. I guess I will pick up a bristlenose and see how it goes. Thanks for the adivce everyone!


Large Fish
Jun 7, 2003
Phila. Burbs
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When you look for a bristlenose, make sure it does'nt look starved. MANY pleco's i've seen in shops have stopped eating & when this happens, it's almost impossible to get them started again. I think thats what 's happening with alot of hobbyists who put questions up on this board when they have no luck keeping thier pleco's alive.....Rich


Medium Fish
Apr 25, 2003
San Diego
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Just an update: I borrowed a bristlenose from my Mom's tank (as long as I took a couple of her guppies) and it seems to be doing well. I already had 3 Ottos. The bristlenose hides most of the day but he is making headway on the algae on rocks and stuff. The back glass had a lot of algae growth, I don't know if they will ever get to it.

Anyone know if the bristlenose will eat food fallen in to the gravel?

Thanks for all the advice everyone!

Jun 25, 2003
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get a fiddler crab.

they are the most excellent cleaners i have ever seen. They'll even snack on fish waste (sorry that's kinda gross). Just make sure that you cover up any holes as they tend to be escape artists. Get a female, since their claws are smaller and they can't grab any of your fish.


Medium Fish
Apr 25, 2003
San Diego
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Another update: I have had the bristlenose cat for a few weeks now, and he seems to be doing fine. I have a couple of ottos in there with him and they still can't keep up on the algae. I give them some small pieces of zuccini once a week as a treat, as thanks for eating the algae. The bristlenose still hides a lot, I guess that is expected. Thanks for the advice everyone.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Originally posted by fishysmell
How big of a tank are we talking? If its reasonable sized, kuhli loaches are always a good option, I think they'll be fine w/ the sharp gravel.
What are the tank size requirement for keeping kuhli loaches? I thought they are pretty small fish.