NEED FISH, please respond thanks..


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
I would maybe stick another betta or you can get a school of zebra danios. Or maybe some white clouds. Not much you can do in much of a community tank way but you can do somthing.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
You wanting to step out of the Betta box? :) Well...I would suggest my first fish...and my longstanding favorite.

Danios. (The little ones not the giant ones!) If you find a store that has a bunch look for some long finned ones...some blue ones...pearl ones...leopard...zebra...they're all great :) "Fish on crack" totally different than your bettas...but they're VERY entertaining to watch and definitely have a huge personality.

If you have a heater etc cool :) They like heated water, but can live in cool water too. I would say you could easily put about 6 in a 3 gallon with a little bottom feeder or some shrimp. I kept 5 in a 2 gallon and never had any problems. (I also didn't have a bottom feeder...they kept the gravel pretty clean) Goldfish are very messy for their size...danios are the opposite, they're very clean for their size...which is why I suggest that you can put them in a smaller tank. Maybe only get 4 (keepin in mind that they get to be about 2 inches)

Anywho...think about them :) I love em.

Edit: wow everyone posted at the same time! Danios will eat pretty much anything :) flake food is fine, probably not the betta pellets, but they might enjoy those too lol

Different fish "school" with different number of fish...I think the fewest I would ever keep together of a schooling fish would be 3

Last edited:
May 19, 2003
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Guppies? They are very small and cute. Neon Tetra? Ditto. Dwarf Honey Gourami? Stay very small also (not as small as the aforementioned, but most i've seen are only 1" as compared to the other Dwarf gourami who reach 2-2.5") and you could probably fit a pair of them.

I wouldn't suggest Danios for a 3gal. There isn't enough swimming room...

If you don't go with the small Guppies, Neons, or Honey, I'd just get another betta and a dwarf frog. Mine get along great in 2.5 g!


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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I agree with Angelfish. Cories are nice in a betta tank. I'd make sure they aren't too small because sometimes a betta will terrorize them. Jullii and aneas cories seem to work well.

Bettas are pretty much individuals. Some may bother the smaller fish and run them ragged, others may not. Good luck.



Small Fish
Jul 6, 2003
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I agree with froggyfox21. My first tank was a 3g. I had 4 zebra danios in there at one time but them one died so I had 3 for a long time. It is a small tank but they just swim all over instead of just at the top. Great fish and very active.
