Need help asap!

Jan 22, 2010
Hi so I love aquariums and such and thought that I knew what I was doing.

The tank in question is just a small 10 gallon tank with 1 small fancy goldfish and 1 apple snail. The tank has been established since October, it's a Biorb.

Anywayyy, my fish is looking like he's on his last leg here. He's just floating around aimlessly hardly moving. It seems that the current of the tank is all that is keeping him in motion. I got the water tested at 2 pet stores and they said rarely do they see water this perfect. So that is ruled out.

What really worries me is my snail is technically still alive, but he is upside down at the bottom of the tank hanging out of his shell. I poked him and he retracted veryyyy slowly and he creeps back out 20 mins later.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY TANK? I am pretty sure it's not swim bladder and it seems to be a communal problem. I am overly attached to this goldfish (Poe) and snail (Rolling Thunder).

p.s. if it makes a difference, my fish has poop hanging from him. And he looks very sad :[

Feb 27, 2009
How much and how often do you do water changes?

What are the readings of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? The stores should be able to give you actual numbers instead of saying that its 'perfect.'

10 gallons is too small for a single goldfish long-term, but with good care, he or she should be ok for awhile. I've never kept apple snails, so can't advise on those. But I agree, if its affecting both, its got to be something they have in common, which is likely the water.