Austrailian Rainbows
I have 3 adult size male around 3in+ had 4 in a 20g but one died of probably stress ? he was always hiding
2 are bozmani ? and the other is green/white not sure of name
anyhoo i just moved them to a 29g 2 weeks ago with afew live plants and a new hood that i have 4 24in overdriving at 34 each so its nice lighting !!
going to do diy co2 this wknd probably
question is what would go well with these fish ?
I was thinking of maybe 10 cardinal or Neon Tetras
also quick c02 question would 1 2 liter bottle be enough for a 29g ? if this goes well i have a 55g waiting in the wings and a friend has some discus fish he'll sell me cheap i just want to see if this home made lighting and co2 combo works well before i set up that 55, how do i know when the co2 needs to be replaced ?
I have 3 adult size male around 3in+ had 4 in a 20g but one died of probably stress ? he was always hiding
2 are bozmani ? and the other is green/white not sure of name
anyhoo i just moved them to a 29g 2 weeks ago with afew live plants and a new hood that i have 4 24in overdriving at 34 each so its nice lighting !!
going to do diy co2 this wknd probably
question is what would go well with these fish ?
I was thinking of maybe 10 cardinal or Neon Tetras
also quick c02 question would 1 2 liter bottle be enough for a 29g ? if this goes well i have a 55g waiting in the wings and a friend has some discus fish he'll sell me cheap i just want to see if this home made lighting and co2 combo works well before i set up that 55, how do i know when the co2 needs to be replaced ?