Need Help For My Swordtail


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
I've had a wonderful male swordtail for just over a week, he was happy and beautiful with no signs of problems at all until today. I got home and went to feed my fish, and noticed that he was chilling at the top of the tank. Not too unusual, but he usually was swimming around with his platy ladies. I leaned in to look closer at all of them, as I always do, and noticed his gills seemed to be inflamed, sticking out more than usual. This was the first I had seen of this, as I said, I look very carefully at each of them every day. He was not/ and currently is not gasping for air, and he swims around like he is fine for most of the time since I noticed the issue. Occasionally he does sit at the top, but he has not gasped. I don't see any other problems with him, I will post some pictures though. Am I just paranoid, or should I worry about this? If I need to treat, for what would it be, and what should I use. I have to treat the whole tank because the heater for my small desktop aquarium that I used for my quarantine when my mickey mouse platy came to me with ick broke...

here are some pictures, Some may be blurry, but you can see that they stick out and are puffier than normal. DSC02568.jpg DSC02569.jpg DSC02570.jpg DSC02573.jpg DSC02576.jpg


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Did you test your water for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates?? It certainly sounds like ammonia poisoning. - Until you can do that do at least a 50% water change immediately and daily.

Feb 27, 2009
I would recommend a 50% water change regardless of your test readings, and increase oxygen levels in the tank also. You may have had a spike in ammonia or nitrite and missed it, or the test kit may be giving a false reading. Inflamed gills are common symptom of water quality issues and is always a concern. Changing water to lower possible high ammonia or nitrite will never hurt.


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
the tank water level has been a bit lower for a while, so aeration is fair... and unfortunately this morning I awoke to a dead swordtail. all my platy look fine, but I'm going to do a large water change as reccomended, thanks


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
he looked pretty skinny too, was he eating? but i agree, looks like ammonia burn to me, it doesnt have anything to do with aeration, just water quality.

your test kit, do you use strips or test tubes?


Medium Fish
Dec 28, 2011
He was eating, and eating well while I had him. I can't say much for how he was treated at the store although he seemed fine when I got him, and I only had him for just over a week. I use liquid test kit and have tested the water for ammonia and all was fine