Need help on Final fish for my Aqurium


Superstar Fish
May 11, 2010
North Carolina
My aquarium can hold 1 more fish til it becomes fully stocked, Right now it contains 4 danios,2corys,1small pleco,1 small puffer. Im wanting a Peacock eel or a Brown knife, which would be the best choice or neither? the tank is the puffers temporary home so once he hits 2 inch's he'l be moved up.

Feb 27, 2009
My aquarium can hold 1 more fish til it becomes fully stocked, Right now it contains 4 danios,2corys,1small pleco,1 small puffer. Im wanting a Peacock eel or a Brown knife, which would be the best choice or neither? the tank is the puffers temporary home so once he hits 2 inch's he'l be moved up.

Is this a joke? You want to put a brown knife or a peacock eel in a 5 or 10 gallon tank?

I doubt the puffers will grow much in their current quarters. Same for the pleco (even if it is a dwarf species, it needs more than 10 gallons)

Feb 27, 2009
Im wanting a Peacock eel or a Brown knife, which would be the best choice or neither?
You asked for opinions. I can't help it if you don't like MY opinion. I guess I should have just said 'neither'?

Honestly, Fishman1995, if you know anything about those two fish, you'd know they have no business in such small tanks. You are massively overstocked as it is.

Ok orange keep your comments to yourself, dont ask if that was a joke. I know what im doin, im done with this forum site
But no matter. You win. You stay, I'll quit this forum.

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Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Wow, isn't this intense!!

Unfortunately, Fishman1995, I would have to agree that you "just chill"....I think your tanks have good amount of fish for the size of your tanks. Personally with tanks I do less fish and more room but to each his own method of fish keeping.

But no matter. You win. You stay, I'll quit this forum.
I'm amusing your joking.....because I would miss you and your comments *BOUNCINGS


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
GUYS! WHOA seriously?!

Fishman you cannot come in here and ask a question and then tell someone to keep their comments to themselves. If you don't want people to answer your questions, then don't ask them. If you are upset with what someone suggests then take it with a grain of salt and move on.

And in my opinion both of your tanks are overstocked already...I would not add any fish to either of them, especially not either of the ones you mentioned.

Foul language will not be tolerated on these boards.


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Awww.....well best of luck!! *Returns wave*
I know I won't enjoy reading posts as much without your comments (always amusing!).

Side Note: Yay....I just became a little fish!! [/QUOTE

Congratulations achase! But I do NOT want you or others to blithely wave goodbye to OrangeCones - I want OC to remain a frequent poster here because OC is one of the most knowledgeable aquarists on this site and posts information that is incredibly valuable for both experienced fishkeepers and newcomers. OC welcomes all who ask good questions and are willing to learn, as, I should think, everyone else on this site would be.
And OC doesn't swear too much. ;)


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
@ Lauraf
I agree wholeheartedly....*withdraws wave* We could try guilt OC into staying that seems to work fairly well with most people!! *BOUNCINGS Because without OC's knowledge to guide us we will become bad fish keepers endangering all our fish!! It's kinda weak I know......

@ Fishman
I'm glad that you brought another will help your fish live happier, longer lives!! Which I'm assuming is what you want. :) Best of luck with the tank and keep us posted (I love seeing pictures...hint hint*SUPERSMIL)


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
I actually need some help with it :D can you help Lauraf? i posted my issue in Cichlid Discussion
Fishman, I'm sorry, I really don't know much about the serious cichlids - I have or have kept angels, rams and kribs - that's about my extent with cichlids. So I suggest you let other people chime in on how to stock your new 55g with the Dempsey. But thanks for asking me.
I'm much better with community tank questions, and would be more than happy to help with that if I can.
Good on you for 'manning up' about the outburst - let's see if we can get OC back to the table. C'mon, people, this is supposed to be fun!
Cheers all,