need help, possible velvet???


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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I have a small rubber-lipped pleco in a 7 gallon tank with 3 platy's and 2 guppys. I was cleaning the tank yesterday and noticed that my pleco was covered in small little "gold" flakes?? Is this velvet?? Does anyone know what the best way to treat it is?? 1 of my platy's has fin rot, which I am treating in the tank as I have no hospital tank, but the rest of the fish are fine. My pleco has been very inactive (less than usual) lately, and he has not eaten as far as I can see, he's ususally on his driftwood most of the day or in his cave and he has not been on the driftwood or in the cave in the last few days, he's just kinda lying there with his back fin up and fully splayed?? Can anyone help me??
my nitrates, nitrites and ammonia levels are fine, ammo a little high, but nothing to really worry about and my ph and temp have not changed???

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
well first off your going to have problems in such a small tank no way around it.plese be sure it is velvet before you treat the tank. from what i remember velvet is kinda film like and will have a golden sheen to it.without a hospital tank your kinda screwed cause you will have to treat the whole tank and despite what those bottles say most meds will effect your bio-filter.try a water change followed by a half dose of any brand of med that kills velvet(should be malachite green as the main ingredent,i think)then a water change three days later and another dose at half three more days do another water change and carefuly observe your pleco make sure that it is fully cured.if it is cured just do the water change and go get a new tank.if the pleco is still sick repeat treatment for another three days.this is based on a water change of 25% don't do more than 25-30%.try garlic extract a a feeding supplement,this should also help


Medium Fish
Mar 24, 2003
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well I am pretty sure it's velvet, I mean he had a slimey coating on his fins, looks kinda like a whiteish film and his body was covered in a gold sheen. He died last night I'm afraid. It was not a pretty sight. my other fish don't seem to have it, but I think I'm going to treat the tank anyways, just to be safe. I am saving up to get a bigger tank, I just can't afford it right now. My brother has a 20 gallon, and his pleco has velvet too, so now we have 2 treat him. I think we're going to go and get a hospital tank today though. I just hope we don't lose his pleco as well. Thanks for the advise though, we will definatly do the 3 days & water change, 3 days again and water change!!! Does anyone know what causes velvet??

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