I According to the common knowledge though, most of the thick, bushy growth occurs from blue, while the taller growth occurs from the red. That is why a lot of indoor plant growers will use a combination of bulbs at certain growth points to achieve certain results such as green time, flowering time, etc. But that is from the world of terrestrial plants. The aquatic world seems far more complex.
Truth be told, in my opinion there is too much debate in the world of aquatic plant keeping about what bulb, what type of lighting, etc. I mean I have read about people who use basic t-8s and have great luck with something as complex as reef systems, and then someone else will shell out the bucks for an elaborate metal halide setup only to get similar results...or they find a great increase in growth...or they actually find they were better off with the simple t-8 setup. I've read claims that t-5s outperform t-8s and t-12s even though they put out a lower wattage. I've heard people say that Coralife bulbs are nothing more than overpriced versions of fluorescents you can buy at Home Despot. I've heard others swear by them to the brink of obsession. Some people insist that all of this stuff about lighting is nonsense and that a couple of shoplites with plain ol' standard fluorescents will do just fine.
Just seems to me that there are so many variables, as well as there being just luck. One expert might swear by something, while another refutes it entirely. Same goes for hobbyists. In fact, I dare say that aquarium lighting is the most confusing issue in the whole hobby. The more I research it, the less I understand it.
But to address the notion of the two bulbs in question - I say just experiment until you get the results you want. But don't assume there isn't something else we haven't considered. For whatever it's worth, between the 6500k and the 10000k 50/50, the growth difference in her tank is highly noticeable. And both bulbs have been used about the same amount of hours, as she keeps switching them back and forth. So it can't be anything about the age of the bulbs. I only see the effect and I say the 50/50 is doing something the 6500k is not. But of course consider the sort of plants she is using - they are crypts, java fern and java moss - all low to medium light plants, which means they are more attuned to the blue spectrum just by nature. That small increase in blue could be good for such plants, but might not have any effect on others. That's my thesis.
I'd actually like to hear from anyone who is bored enough to experiment with a 50/50 bulb on freshwater plants that generally like brighter light - I wonder if the actinic blue has any effect on them at all.
And just one last note - I have even read that some reef enthusiasts think actinic blue makes no difference in their setups.
Talk about the confusing world of aquarium lighting!!