Need help with a 'scaping idea...


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have this idea for my 29gal tank, but I'm not sure how to execute it. I want to create a bamboo forest with deadwood bamboo. I have access to as much bamboo as I want or need, so that's not a problem (my mom has a bamboo thicket out in her park that she hasn't trimmed back in years and there's tons of dead stalks in it). My problem is how to secure the bamboo so it doesn't float, but not make it a permanent fixture in the tank (i.e.-no siliconing the bamboo to the bottom of the tank itself).

My only idea is this...get one or two pieces of clear plastic craft canvas and cut them to fit the tank. Silicone the bamboo stalks onto the plastic canvas in the desired positions. Remove all the substrate, decor, fish, water, etc. from the tank. Place the plastic canvas with bamboo attached in the bottom of the tank and replace substrate, decor, water, fish, etc. I would have to strain the substrate to separate the sand and Flourite so I could do the Flourite on the bottom and sand on top again because i know it'll mix when I take it out, but that's no big deal.

So, do you think my idea will work...or do you have a better idea?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I thought about that. I am trying something similar in one of my 10gals (Amun's Egyptian tank...siliconing bamboo to slate and burying the slate, then tying pieces of java fern to the end of the bamboo to make palm trees). If it works in Amun's tank, I will try it in the 29gal. I would have to find flat rocks to use, though, 'cuz siliconing to regular round rocks is going to be a PITA.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Hmmmmm...So now I'm torn between the slate idea (which would be easy, but the slate might be difficult to find) and the small rocks idea aakaakaak mentioned. The idea with the small rocks could work really well if I siliconed a rock into the end and then fill the stalk with rocks until it stays sunk.

I could actually combine the two. Use the rock filling method for the straight up and down stalks and use the slate method for the ones that I want at a bit of an angle.

Thanks, guys! You rock!


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
If you have railroad tracks, you can steal good looking pieces of granite from there. You'll also get a good mix of sizes, with pieces that will probably fit in and under the palm trees. It'd be super awesome if you could rig up some form of rock dinosaur using silicone, granite and that jaguar skull. Get that stomping through a palm tree forest and you're golden.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
LOL! Remember, this is only a 29gal tank. There's isn't THAT much room in it (although, if I could, I would swap the 29gal and the 46gal stock...hmmmmmmmmm...). Just checked AqAdvisor and it thinks I could swap the tanks (my ryukin, 6 leopard danios and 6 WCMMs would put the 29gal at 97% stocked...I'm sending the gold barbs to kenny1tothe6 anyway, so I don't have to worry about them).

Okay, so I'm going to need more black sand and I need to figure out if the 46gal will fit in my son's room (since this is supposed to be his tank)...hehe!


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Okay, that's going a bit too far. My boy takes after him momma. He doesn't like overly fake tanks. I showed him a picture of a tank that had a lot of fake decorations in it and he didn't like it (this was when we were trying to figure out how he wanted his tank decorated).

So, this idea has kind of morphed a bit...I want to swap the 29gal and the 46gal. That would give me more room to stock and more room to 'scape. I will probably do a DIY hood thing like that vid ryan or aak posted (the one that is on an arm that flips up) because the stock fixture that came with the 46gal is only a 60W and I really don't want to drop the money to get a T5 right now. *starts making notes*


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
I used to love "fake" tanks. I look back at pictures now and say "ew" at the blue gravel, the plastic plants, the cheezy "NO FISHING" signs... blaah!
I almost combined my 20g & 10g. Then I bought more guppies and forgot about it :D


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I've always liked more natural tanks. I mean, some fake tanks are cute, but I prefer the more natural look for my tanks...even my themed tanks.

The more I think about it, the more I want to swap the tanks. I just need to figure out what I want as a school with the tiger barbs. I will have the pair of kribs, 8-10 tiger barbs (depending on what the other school is), Grover (the SA bumblebee cat) and hopefully 5 gold laser cories, or if I can afford them, 5 corydoras C121 (they're $11 each on AquaBid - Your Aquatic Auction Website). So, any ideas on what I could have for that second school. Something that will compliment both the tigers and the kribs, but that isn't shaped like the tigers (want two distinct schools). Someone suggested turquoise/lake kutubu rainbows, and I love them, but I don't know how well they'd do with the tigers (even though my tigers are wimps).