Need help with cycle...

Dec 27, 2010
alright i have had my tank up and running for about 4 days now on the 3erd day i added about 35 pounds of live rock and 3 hardy fish that i was told that would be good for starters in my tank... i am compleltly new too fish tanks and this is my first time ever running one i need help understanding what i do when i see nitrate riase in my test kit i need to know what i do when i see this becuase i read and it says thats when cycling has started i mean do i just add chemicals to kill it off or do i change and add water?? please help me with understanding a little better i would really like to get into the salt water life.




Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
first please read all the relevant pinned threads on these SW forums(especially those relating to starting a tank and cycling).
get a liquid test kit and start testing your water at 3 day intervals to be safe.