Need help with dying goldfish .. ASAP

Oct 16, 2011
Hi, I need help with my goldfish..

I saved a little feeder fish from getting eaten at a wedding (some people are hicks) and set it up in a 10 gallon tank about 2 weeks ago. A few days after that, my sister bought two goldfsh from a petstore she worked at and put them in my tank. She wanted to help them out because they were in too small of a tank at the petstore. But I warned her not to put them in my 10 gallon b.c it's to small for 3 goldfish and the ammonia would build up too fast in my newly set up tank. But I woke up one morning with these two other goldfish in my tank.
Anyways, about a week later, one of the fish my sister brought home died, then the other one died the next day. I noticed they both had red bloody-like streaks around their gills, fins, and within their fins.
Now my, once very healthy, little orange goldfish also has these red streaks throughout his body and he's laying on the bottom of the tank. His body almost looks like it's shedding skin b.c his fins have a fuzzy white appearance to them now and so does the rest of his body.
I bought some medicated fish food and am feeding him that but he isn't as active anymore and isn't eating much food now. The ammonia level in the tank is about 0.5 as of right now. I did a 30% water change right after the first fish died and have done two other ones since then to keep the ammonia levels down. I also added two table spoons of aquarium salt and the water conditioner to get the chlorine out.
I will post pictures of the white goldfish that died, as well as my sick goldfish. Please tell me what you think this is and what caused it so that I can prevent it form happening in the future. Also, please tell me what more I can do to save this little fish from dying. Thanks sick fish 001.jpg sick fish 006.jpg


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
It sounds like burns from ammonia. The best thing that you can do is make sure that the ammonia stays down (daily water changes) and hope for the best. You were right about your sister to not as the goldfish (that's why I'm glad that I'm am only child lol. But seriously I hope that your fish gets better and of it does them be ready for a tank upgrade. Good luck!!


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
not sure what it if its ammonia either. goldfish are kept in overstocked tanks which is breeding ground for disease and bacterias.

take your water in to get tested to a lps and write down the numbers...nitrates at most 10ish, ammonia and nitrites should be 0 in a cycled tank.

goldfish are cold water fish=no heater

its possible you introduced a disease with the new fish, and i am not expert enough on fish disease to help you any further, but you may post in the disease section for further help or a mod can move this


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
You can use heat to kill bacteria. When my goldfish had ich, I slowly raised the temperature to 78 and then added 1 tbsp of salt per 2 gallons. Goldfish can stand salt but only for short amounts of time. Keep the heat in the high 70s, add salt, and change the water every day or every other day, but never do more then a 30% water change.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Ich is a parasite and is killed by the heat, but in my experience heat (at temps fish could tolerate) would just provide a better environment for bacteria to grow.

Oct 16, 2011
Okay. I was thinking this was caused by ammonia also, and he possibly got a bacterial infection from the white fish that died. He seems somewhat better because he's more active today and is eating, rather then just laying on the bottom of the tank like he was yesterday.
Tested the ammonia just now and it is still at about 0.5. I will do another 30% water change either tonight or tomorrow morning and add a tablespoon or two of salt. The only thing that concerns me is that his body looks like it's shedding skin almost... it's hard to describe but it looks almost like when a snake sheds its skin. It's obviously not normal and the red streaks are still present also. Not sure when those are supposed to go away??
I'll post a new picture soon..

Oct 16, 2011
good news... fishy is doing better! He is back to his active self and eating more. Also, his red streaks are dissappearing and the white stuff on his body is going away.

So it looks like the anti-bacterial food and frequent water changes are helping :)