Need Help With Mini Bow 2.5 and Cloudy Water


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2011
I recently received a Aqeuon MiniBow 2.5 as a gift. I have been keeping a single betta in there with a few plastic plants, a large artificial log and some gravel. It came time for me to clean the entire tank. The morning after I looked at my tank and it was filled with disgusting cloudy water. I did a 40-50% water change and it was less cloudy. Any ideas on where this could originate? Also, I have the stock filter in there (the newest model with the hook on filter). If this is the problem what would be a good alternative filter. Thanks for any help!


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2011
I'm thinking a couple weeks. It had been cloudy before a little bit then too but not nearly as bad. A couple days after the cleaning I almost couldn't see from one side to the other and the tank isn't even a foot wide.

Oct 29, 2010
1. Did you dechlorinate your water?

2. Your tank may have partially cycled during those few weeks, and the massive change could have caused a bacterial bloom. Try the "stickies" at the top of the beginner forum for info on tank cycling.

For the future, you should try weekly to biweekly 100% water changes unless the tank can hold a cycle.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
IthinkTherefore Hitchhikers is one of my favorite book series of all times! If you don't have it download the BBC radio show of it, AH-mazing!

Umm to me it sounds like they did a 100% change which probably caused a cycle.

Single betta should still cause the water to complete a cycle in a 2.5.

my suggestion is to continue to do a 25% water change weekly and call it a day.

Oct 29, 2010
I am, like, in love with Douglas Adams. I'm reading Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency right now, and it's awesome. I'll have to look into the radio show! I knew that it started out on the air, but I've never heard it :D </threadjack>

And I agree, 25% weekly is good if the tank holds the cycle :)


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
well no he wrote the series, then the raido show, then the movie was post humus. Do you have the special edition of the books leather bound with gold leaf pages? It's fabulous. Yeah the radio show was amazing betcha you could find it on pirate bay, i know you can buy it on itunes.

If you like adams read vonnegut, you may have read slaughterhouse in school but he is absolutely fantastic in a crazy kind of way. The 13 and 1/2 lives of captian bluebear is also pretty fun if you like wonky adventure stories like adams.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2011
I just did a new 100% cleaning/change with dechlorinated tap water. Before I had clouding problems I did about 25% a week which seemed to work well. The water looks crystal clear and my betta is happily swimming about. Hopefully it stays this way. Thanks for the help! From now on I should plan on doing a 25% change every week?

Oct 29, 2010
Yep! That sounds perfect. Just be really careful about 100% cleaning. When you do that, you disturb the bacteria in the gravel and filter, causing a bacterial bloom and the cloudy water.

In the future, never clean the gravel and the filter at the same time. In general, it's best not to disturb the gravel bed much at all (if you really must, only wash in old tank water or dechlorinated tap). If possible, a regular gravel vacuuming would be much cleaner than an occasional 100% scrub.

Also, way cute betta and tank!

Edit: Whoops, missed your post Nanu! I've never heard of Vonnegut, I'll have to look him up too! And that collector's edition sounds fabulous. I had just a plain old bookstore edition, but I lent it to my dirty rotten book-stealin' cousin so you can guess how that went D,:

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Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Yeah never do a 100% change. Thats why it went wonky.

Ummm yeah pick up slaugherhouse V, and sirens of titan by Vonnegut he is one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Yeah my hitchhikers collectors edition has been nabbed 3 times now... I keep buying new ones. They have it at barnes and nobel on a table with other "classics" that are hard bound. it should be about 16.00 totally worth the price especially if you have only read the first book, there is a whole series.


Large Fish
Feb 26, 2011
Alright thanks guys! I love the little tank I got. Although I question the design since the somewhat large filter pad is directly below the light. I'd heard of a lot of people with their pad turning completely green. Mine is fine but that may be because I got a fluorescent in place of the original incandescent. Water is still perfectly clear four days later so I guess I'm doing something right!