need help with new tank


Alright. Our first mistake was to go to petsmart thinking the help would be knowledgeable enough to get us all started. Well, after reading a million forums such as this, I think not. Anyways, I will just list what has happened so far.

TANK: 46GL Bowfront​

Day 1: setup tank with decor, rocks, and tapwater, including cannister filter, 3 things hooked to the airpump, heater, and thermometer.

Day 11: Took water sample to an aquarium place, guy said is just clear, can't tell good or bad- need to put hardy fish in and come back in a week. Took 3 Tiger Barbs home (even told the guy I wanted Angel Fish for sure- said no problem- think that was a big mistake now) Additionally, I asked, someone else, if I needed anything else for the tank like chemicals and he said no. A week later found out I needed tap water conditioner and put that in right away- hope I haven't caused a problem already.

Day 20 (TODAY): Took in water sample said everything zero and ammonia okay, can get whatever fish. Decided to get 2 more Tiger Barbs so they won't be as aggressive. Didn't have any other fish we wanted.

Went to another aquarium place to check there. I also had a second bag of water just to make sure the place was right. The guy checked it- said nitrites and nitrates zero but ammonia going up meaning my tank hasn't cycled yet and bad idea to put anymore fish. He also said that guy should never have told me to put the first fish in and could just put in food, and especially not the tiger barbs with angels.

I decided it was too late to take back the fish, plus they're cheap, and I would just get a few plants at another shop, have read it helps ammonia levels. Someone there said not true though.
I'm so tired of the conflicting information- I know these are live and somewhat unpredictable animals, but UGH! I am so frustrated now. I really would love to have someone who REALLY knows what they are talking about and tell me what I should be doing to my tank now. (In regards to getting a filter media from someone-don't know anyone with a tank) Should I get some of those treated pebbles/rocks?

It seems that the first tiger barbs are doing okay, eating okay and seem to enjoy the new tiger barbs I put in today.

I guess if someone can also tell me some signs to watch out for- one of the guys said too high levels of ammonia will burn their gills and they will be close to the top trying to breathe.

Thanks for any help!!!!! Also, here is a list of the fish we want, although I'm sure there are too many, and we'll need to cut some out. I'll take any advise on it too. Listed in order of want.

1 Elephant Nose
1-2 Angel Fish
3 Bala Shark
3-4 Clown Loaches
5 Tiger Barbs (including 2 green ones)
1 spotted pictus cat
??Do I need a pleco? my dad said I do, I really don't want a foot long one though????

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Newbie Fishy Crissy

Feb 27, 2006
New Tank

Hi Chrissy
Welcome to the world of fish. It seems no how many places you go to they all seem to say different things. I'm no expert or anything but I'd suggest going to a dedicated aquarium shop which, in theory, should have more knowledgable staff to be able to help you out. Joining this forum will also be a great help as you can access people who have already been there and will be glad to help u where they can. I have also found joining a fish club is also a great way to learn. Its not for everyone but i'm come along way in the year that i've been in my club. I dont really know enough to tell you about the mix of fish you'd like to have, i do know that angels and clowns get on no problem (at least in my tank) but i wouldnt get a pleco just yet seeing as it is a new tank. Let the tank settle and adjust until you've got the fish that u want. You could look into a smaller species of pleco down the track and there are plenty of people on here that can advise you on those. You might be able to take the barbs somewhere and trade them in for other fish. I know i havent been able to answer all your questions but i think they may require someone with a bit more knowledge than me. Be patient, things will work out and before you know it you will a lovely fish tank to enjoy. I look forward to hearing how things go for you. Kim


Superstar Fish
Feb 1, 2004
middletown, CT
welcome, chrissy -

sorry that youve had a rough time so far. check out the stickies at the beginning of the FW beginners section. that should help answer most of your problems and outline the correct way to get started.

you dont *have* to have a pleco. there are other algae eaters that stay small. you can check out the FW fish profiles on the forum.

unfortuantly, most chain pet shops aren't very knowledgable in fish. there are exceptions of course. but the best thing to do is to go to a local fish shop (LFS) and then look on the forum and books to confirm what they say. research research research! :) :) :)


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
Call all the local fish stores and see if you can get a product called BioSpira. It adds the necessary bacteria to jump-start your cycle, which if you've read the stickies you will know why that is so important. Since you have fish in already, if you can get biospira, it will minimize the stress on them. If you can't get biospira, you can try Stability, but don't waste your money on Cycle. Contrary to its name, it doesn't cycle your tank.
The best investment you can make is test kits. You need to try and get the ones with the test tubes, not the 5-in-1 dip strips, if possible. Plus, the main thing you need to test for immediately is ammonia and the strips don't do that. If you can't get an ammonia test kit, have your water tested for ammonia daily if possible, or as close to that as you can get the lfs to do it for you. Make them tell you the actual numbers instead of just saying it's fine or not fine. As long as you have an ammonia reading above 0, you need to do daily partial water changes to minimize harm to the fish. Don't vacuum the bottom during the cycle unless it just gets absolutely gross. Do not under any circumstances change out your filter media or try to clean it. When it comes to your filter, dirty is good right now, because that's where most of the ammonia-eating bacteria grow.
As for plants, yeah, they do help the condition of the water, but growing plants has its own frustrations. IMO, beginners are almost always better off leaving plants for later, since learning to keep fish is enough of a challenge without adding to it.
Keep us posted.

read till 3 am

Another question- we had forgotten to put the included underground filter when filling up the tank and I told my husband just forget it, and we'll put it on when we clean the tank out first time. Our tank is 46 gallon and we are using a 70 gallon cannister filter. Will that be sufficient enough? Are underground filters really necessary? I've been told they just trap the stuff underneath and so you have to take the tank all down in order to clean it which makes it a big hassle.

Thanks for any advice on that!

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read till 3 am

Thanks guys!

Well, I did read the stickies before posting. What's frustrating is that I did go to an LFS, even talked with the owner, said it was ok to put Tiger barbs with Angelfish, and also the one who later said the ammonia was okay and to put whatever fish I want in it. Luckily they didn't have what I wanted which made me go to another LFS and I had them check my water too and he said the nitrites and nitrates were zero (of course meaning the ammonia is still there since the fish have only been there 9 days) and that the ammonia was going up! So I don't know what that 1st LFS was talking about, sounds like he was just trying to sell me fish. The crappy part is that their prices are really good compared to other shops- but maybe that means his fish are coming from less than good places.

Anyways, After staying up till 3am last night, my plan today is to get the Biro-Spira (found it close by thankfully) and the test kits. We almost bought a test kit at Petsmart when we got all the decor and filter- wish I had now.

My dad said to get aquarium salt which helps too- is that right? I read it helps with nitrites, but not the ammonia, and ammonia is probably my main concern right now anyways.

I do really appreciate all the help. I will let you know how the testing and Biro-Spira goes. Although my thought on the Biro-Spira is that the bacteria would be dormant, and Nitrosomas are present everywhere anyways, and in a dormant state, it takes a while before they become active, so unless the Biro-Spira are not dormant, I don't see how it can help speed the process. of course, I'm still learning though!



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
BioSpira (from everything I've read) contains live bacteria, which is why it has to be kept refridgerated. Presumably they metabolize slowly cooled, so they can survive without food if they are refrigerated... that's what I'd think at least. They should just be able to settle onto everything in the tank, and more or less immediately start consuming ammonia/nitrites. It's essentially like adding a really good piece of someone else's established media.

Oh, and not having the tap water conditioner in there when the tigers were first added didn't hurt a thing. Since you left the tank running for several days before adding fish, all the chlorines and stuff would have evaporated out of the water.

Good luck!

Alright. I got a full test kit- didn't get the bio-spira yet, didn't know the test kit would cost me 30 bucks!

I tested the following.

Ammonia- between 0 and .25, but looked really close to the 0 level

Nitrite- 0

PH- in my kitchen recessed lights it looked like 8.0 to 8.2, but in the sunlight it looked like 7.8 to 8.0

Which should be right?

Sooooo, now I'm thinking how can it still be taking this long for the nitrites to start and wouldn't the ammonia be up a lot higher too? Or is it because we just had 3 small tiger barbs in a 46 gallon tank?

Thanks guys!!!!!!

Does anyone know if it would be a good idea to add some aquarium salt? We bought some since it was so cheap.

thanks capslock about the chlorine and Judy for the tips.. I did do a water change (about 8%) late last night

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Large Fish
Feb 14, 2006

Hey don't fret. I go to petco and will only work with one employee. He's knows his stuff and very informative. Some employees in the same store are clueless. I inform him about them. Usually thier young kids. When going to the lfs look at the store. Is it clean, are tanks well stocked. Do the employees seem to care. Also asked how often they get shipments of fish. If they don't get many shipments they may be telling you something. As far as testing is concerned. I brought samples to my lfs and they were off the charts.(but my water was fine). Sometimes you may forget to wash out vial and this will effect your results. If you use the liquid test kits with vials, make sure their clean and try to use the same vial for that test.


Large Fish
Feb 14, 2006
problem tank

Sorry about the length. Enjoy the fish and don't get overwelmed with and the small details. Good water matience is key. Small water changes during the month and do a 25% at end of month. Feed just what they need. Doing this and you will have happy fish.
30- gallon 3 neon swords-3 gold dust mollies-3 long finned serpat tetras-3 albino cories-2 oct cats
10- 2 cray fish- 6 zebra danios


Large Fish
Feb 18, 2006
WA state
crissy7399 said:
Alright. I got a full test kit- didn't get the bio-spira yet, didn't know the test kit would cost me 30 bucks!
Hi Crissy, did you buy this test kit at PetSmart?
It's $13.49 on the PetSmart website, and they will price-match if you print out the website price and take it to the store.

Maybe you can get a refund? ;)

EDIT: Oh, and the canister filter you have should be fine. I wouldn't worry about adding in the undergravel filter. There's some mixed reviews about those anyway.

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