Need help with water pump...


New Fish
Jun 16, 2003
Plano, TX
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I recently got an Oceanic 135 Reef ready tank with dual overflows. The fish store recommended a Supreme Mag 9 water pump. I'm using the tank for freshwater and right now I've got a bunch of different tetras in there. OK, the problem is my silver tip tetras, guppies, danios and cardinal tetras keep going down the overflow box like a waterfall. Most of them I've been fishing out, however, some of them have died.. I think there is too much water current. The guy at the store said the water pump was fine but if I wanted to swap it out for a smaller one (mag 7), I could. I eventually want to put some angels and some discus in this tank I'm afraid the current will be too much.. Any opinions or help would be appreciated here. I'm new to the board but not to aquariums. I've had them for years but this is the first one with a wet/dry setup... Thanks