Need Help!

Jun 1, 2005
WE had a 55 gal tank given to us and went out and got some fish. Some guppies neon tetras, tetras, and swordtails. All we have left is 2 tetras. They all died and we don't know why. We're afraid to buy more fish now. We've had the water checked and everything seems ok that way. We had cleaned the tank also. We also lately have found a couple clusters of fuzzy white cocoon looking things. We took them out, but what are they? I was so happy to find this site and have people to help.

did you put dechlorinator into the water when you added new water? it sounds to me like you didn't cause there really doesn't seem to be any reason why there would be so many deaths in such a little time. How long has the tank been running? What you want to do is get a master test kit and read up on cycling your tank and get some dechlorinator then do a fishless cycle (takes around 2 weeks). Then if you wanna do more studying on the kinds of fish your gonna get and once your done cycling you can stock up your tank with fish and of course read up on how many fish you can stock and how to take care of your filter and benificial bacteria and stuff like that.

edit: forgot to answer the other questions, the fuzzy white clusters are fungus and what did you clean the tank with? when you clean tanks your not suppose to clean it with soap or anything cause of the chemicals in some of them that can hurt your fish later on so that could probably be one of the reasons why your fish died if you did use soap or other cleaning chemicals. Hope this helps :)

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Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Sometimes if you drop food in and it starts rotting it looks like little white puffs.

Everyone has added some good questions and some good information...welcome to the tank and hope you'll take some time to do some research on your new hobby and then start again with it :)