need help

May 24, 2009
i have a kissing gourami onr left he looks on but hides in the corner and wont swim he acts sick the other on died it looked like it had fin rot i did a water change my nitrates were very high i put maracyn plus and added aquriam salt in what more can i do?:confused:


Large Fish
Dec 19, 2008
Maybe the normal routine daily asking is.. post all your readings from your water test kit. And give a little maybe briefing on what happen.. no pictures I take it. Anyways it could had been them fighting one another - which can cause stress or other things(which later could easily killed it by doing anything. Also water conditions.. check your stuff make sure its right, do water changes with the right stuff to get the bad stuff out for healthy fishies. Hm also is there any other fish in the tank that could had bullied it? We don't know and can't help really with little info. Most likely they will say sorry for the loss. DO water changes is your tank cycle? Whats your tank size and readings of all items off test kit? And pretty much say just try to keep your other one alive good luck and sorry again for your lost:(


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
If any of your fish have fin rot, that is a sign that you have very poor water conditions. This will kill any fish in a tank eventually, so the first thing you need to focus on is what is going on with your water. It doesn't have to be just "clear", there are also lots of tiny invisible bacteria in your water that keep the water chemically clean, this is called "cycling". If you aren't familiar with this process, you need to take a look at the link below or the cycling stickies.