need help


Small Fish
Mar 13, 2010
so i have a black and marble molly. they have been acting very weird dancing around each other is circles and almost like kissing each other so after doing some studying im pretty sure my marble is a male and black female molly is pregnant
so not having much room or spare cash to spent i went on ebay and bought a little kids 1 gallon tank that includes a under gravel filter and air pump, hood and light.
if my molly end up not being preggo i will just use this as a betta tank is a 1 gallon even big enough for a fry tank?
and i want to get a small heater for it do they make a small ebough heater
also how should i go about setting this up? should i use plastic plants or live plants? ect...


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Pet stores won't take them until they're 1" long, which takes at least a month or so (I have a platy who just hit 1" and she's two months old). Also, unless you buy a breeder box, your mollies (and any other fish in the tank) are going to make quick snacks of those babies if they don't have adequate hiding places (best thing I've found is hornwort floating in the tank). I have five platies and two guppies in my 55gal with my female bettas and my female bettas are ALWAYS gravid because they are constantly snacking on fry.