5-one inch neon tetras
1-.8 somthing,fish unknown
one albino bala shark 3-4inchs
one yoyo botia 2-3inchs
a 15-20 gallon filter
and a rock cave that covers half the bottom,
do i need a bigger tank?
How much bigger?
OK you need to seperate the bala he will eat the neon's and he gets REALLY big and requires a 55 gallon tank. i think if you remove him you should be good hope i helped
Unfortunately the bala shark will require a MUCH bigger tank than a 55 due to the fact they are a shoaling species and should be in groups of at least 5. You should consider returning it.
To make a realistic judgement we're going to have to know the "unknown" fish. Could you possibly post a picture or describe it as best you can?
your albino isnt a bala its a rainbow i bet. ive never seen a albino bala shark nor can you find one when you google it. your loach is too big for that tank. you need to triple up the loach and get a 55g or larger.