I have a 29 gal. tank that is a little over a month old. This is my first tank so I am still in the learning stage. Everything tests fine but my ph is a little high. I added live plants about a week ago. My question is...I've notice a couple of days ago some kind of rough, clear film on the inside of the tank (glass). It kept getting worse by the hour and a cloudy film formed on the water surface. Got up this morning and my filter was not working, only making a noise. I took it apart, cleaned it, and it is working fine now. I did notice some of the leaves of a plant were stuck to the wonder tube. Could this have caused my filter to stop? I am going to do a water change as soon as I get home and try to remove this film. Will this harm the fish or how do you recommend I clean it up? I have 3 zebra danios, 2 dwarf gourami, 1 neon tetra, 2 angel's, 2 male guppy's, 2 fruit tetra's, 2 red serpae's, and 1 chinese algae eater in my tank. Any ideas would be appreciated!