Need info on tankmates

May 20, 2009
I have a 10 gallon tank with artificial plants, a castle, some rock and some castle ruins with lots of place to hide and go in and out of. I put my betta in there from a 2 gallon unheated, unfiltered container. The 10 gallon has a heater and a filter. Today I put in 3 pepper corys. I am a little confused though because they were tagged pepper cory in the store and when I went online to read up a little more on them there are "peppered" corys and "salt and pepper" corys the latter is a Habrosas cory and grows to 1" the peppered is a paleatus cory and grows to 2.5" how can I be certain which one I have. If I have the larger variety Is my tank now fully stocked or can I put anything else in there. If they are the smaller variety, same question, can I put anything else in there and if so what would you suggest. By the way the betta I have is a sweet boy and has not shown any aggression what so ever. In fact since the corys went in he has been hoovering the bottom of the tank like they do. I guess he must be wondering what's so interesting down there.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
my betta likes to lay down on the ground or on rocks/wood too. I also have cories with my betta and he doesn't mind them at all. I'm not too sure on the whole cory species thing tho... Most cories are just labeled as peppered and get about 2"

May 20, 2009
info on tankmates

thanks unwritten law, so do you think I could add some other small fish to my tank I had heard bottom feeder don't count in the 1" of fish per gallon rule the store said I could count the 3 corys as an inch instead of 2 inches what do you know about that. I thought maybe I could try some white clouds maybe or rasys or maybe you have some other ideas if you think my tank can take it and if you do how many do you think.

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
I think all fish additions count to your biological stocking but territorial wise in this tank they should leave plenty of room for the betta, so they wont over crowd him. Have you cycled this tank? If not I would not add any more fish for a while. Adding more fish later may not be a good idea either though. Like you said you are pretty much stocked in that tank and adult fish get more aggressive usually so you want to look ahead in case the betta does get aggressive. Also most fish that can survive in a small tank like that need to be in groups which might over stock/crowd the tank.

May 20, 2009
info on tankmates

Hi unwritten,
Yes I went through a cycle and tested my water before I added the corys. All my levels were perfect and that is when I added the 3 corys. Day 2 and all is well. New development though. Sushi, my Betta has figured out the sinking wafers for the corys and although I fed him to distract him while the bits of wafers sunk to the bottom, the little corys take a while to eat and he goes down there an wolfs them up, not good. Any ideas on how I can feed the corys without him getting all their food. He is smarter than I thought ha ha

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
my cories are more active at night and in the evening so try feeding later in the day or like you said feed him flake or whatever as you drop in wafers... Or feed them enough for some flakes to drop to the bottom... they will sniff them out, haha

I'm not sure if you know what cycling means... just cause your levels are good doesn't mean they will stay that way. How long has this tank been running? just two days? or just two days with the cories?

May 20, 2009
info on tankmates

Hi Unwritten,
My betta was orignally in a 2 gallon vase. When I got the 10 gallon I set it up with well rinsed artificial plants, decor, and new gravel. I left it like that running for 3 days then when he went in I also put in his old gravel unrinsed and his old plants unrinsed ( thought it would put back some of the good bacteria into the new tank.) He was in the tank by himself for four weeks, during that time the tank got quite cloudy and that was when I started reading up on "new tank syndrome" so I started monitoring it and when my levels all balanced out and the tank cleared I put in the corys. I will keep a good eye on the levels now that they are in there to make sure I don't get any spiking. Does this sound right to you, should I be doing anything else. Also I will try your night feeding idea. Thanks