Need new filter for tank with pleco

Aug 17, 2009
Hi all! I am hoping I can get some advice or suggestions on a new filtration system.

I have a 29 Gallon lightly planted tank stocked with 5 blue danios, 4 platies and a Rhino pleco. The pleco makes a lot of waste, to where within one week of changing the filter it is already covered in filth. I don't know the exact specifications on the filter because this was a setup given to me years(5+) ago. I know that it is a Whisper filter that is rated for an up to 30 Gallon tank.

I'm looking at updating to a different power filter, one that is rated for a larger tank. Does anyone have any advice on what would work best?

I was looking at:

Aqua Clear 70 Power filter: it looked like you could rinse the filter and reuse it more than once. The filter has a flow rate of 100-300 gph and is recommended for aquariums between 40-70 gallons
Aqua Clear 70 Power Filter (Old 300)


Emperor 280 Power Filter: I've heard good things about the whole Bio-wheel system. The filter has a flow rate of 280 gph and is recommended for aquariums up to 50 gallons
Emperor 280 Power Filter


Anything else someone may suggest.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

thank you