need some advice


Large Fish
Aug 20, 2003
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Hello. I have one tank now, you can see by the sig what i have so I wont retype it all now.

Anyway here is my problem. I just got the platies today. I was going to get more ottos, But I have had nothing but problems with them, and they didnt have any. needless to say I had credit only at the store so these little colorful guys came home with me.

I know they will have babies. But I have some time before that happens. So heres what I want to do.
I can get a 10 or a 5 gallon as a breeder tank for all the fry. Untill they grow. Then Ill give them to whoever, or the store will take them when they are big enough. But I would like to have some other fish in the breeder tank. So that when there are no fry it keeps cycleing and so that there is something to look at.

But what fish wont eat the fry. I want to try cories, but being bottom feeders, and fry being small. Well you can see there might be a problem.

If anyone has any advice I will take it into consideration.,


oh and I would like to move the otto into the new tank and get him 2 more friends. I know they dont like being alone, and that 10 is a little crouded with him in it. But I stay on top of the water changes and everything is working well.


Large Fish
Jul 1, 2003
Madison, Wisconsin
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I would say get the second tank. Then fishless cycle it, seed it with gravel from your other cycled tank, and they too keep the cycle going put some corys in there if you dont get more ottos for the new 10. and a chunk of java moss. that way you can add the mommy platties when they are preggo and then when they drop take out momma


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
I agree with getting a seperate tank...that works best for me, definitely. Another suggestion would be to get some storebought ammonia and just cycle the tank fishless...and then every few days put a splash of ammonia in the tank to keep it cycled...then do a big (100%) water change before you add any fry to the tank.

I was thinking about getting cories for my baby tank...but some people thought that would be a bad idea because they could go after the really small fry.