Need some guidance


Small Fish
May 16, 2010
Hi, I am Jamarr and I am new to this forum stuff. I recently purchased a 35gal hex tank. I let it sit for about 2 weeks to where all my levels were ok. I went and purchased some herrmits, snails and clownfish. I put everything in the tank, and everything was ok for about 2 days. My girlfriend text me i have a surprise for you and drops another tank raised clown in the tank. The next day I came home on my lunch break and everything was dead. I dont know what my tank is a little foggy and nitrites and nitrates are at 0, my ammonia is at 8.0 and my pH at 7.8. Oh, I also did a water change after taking out the dead stuff. Need help, freaking out. Should i just let sit again for a couple weeks?
I have been doing water changes every couple of days, water is still pretty foggy.

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Large Fish
Oct 21, 2009
It sounds like you didn't cycle your tank before you put in the original inhabitants and then the clown pushed the ammonia readings over the edge. Did you have any live rock, how much? When you let your tank sit for 2 weeks did it have anything living in it at all? If not, then thats why your ammonia and nitrite levels were 0. Living organisms are what produce the ammonia. Don't worry about it, its a common mistake (can be an expensive one) read up on cycling a tank and the nitrogen cycle and you will do better next time. ;)


Small Fish
Mar 23, 2010
Hi, I am Jamarr and I am new to this forum stuff. I recently purchased a 35gal hex tank. I let it sit for about 2 weeks to where all my levels were ok. I went and purchased some herrmits, snails and clownfish. I put everything in the tank, and everything was ok for about 2 days. My girlfriend text me i have a surprise for you and drops another tank raised clown in the tank. The next day I came home on my lunch break and everything was dead. I dont know what my tank is a little foggy and nitrites and nitrates are at 0, my ammonia is at 8.0 and my pH at 7.8. Oh, I also did a water change after taking out the dead stuff. Need help, freaking out. Should i just let sit again for a couple weeks?
I have been doing water changes every couple of days, water is still pretty foggy.
look like it has just started to cycle. how much live rock have u got in the tank??? hold off on the water changes for a few days and just let everything settle down. the foggy water is due to the ammonia and should go once everything is settle down. best bit of adivce i was given was don't rush anything with marines.



Small Fish
May 16, 2010
Thanks guys, I have about 25lbs of live rock in a 35gal hex. I did not have anything living in it for the first two weeks I let it sit. Oh, when I woke up this morning there was green algae on the glass.

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Large Fish
Feb 25, 2007
Mesa, AZ
Basically you did not start to cycle your tank until you added the livestock and they died from the ammonia spike. Since you have a lot of ammonia in the tank let it run and keep monitoring your levels. When you see your ammonia and nitrites go to 0 and your nitrates are up your tank has cycled and you have bacteria in the live rock breaking down the ammonia and nitrites. I would do a water change and add 1 hardy fish at this point and keep watching your levels.


Medium Fish
Jan 31, 2010
Midway, GA
I agree with Quaddity. Go with a clown or damsel. ONE! Clowns are fairly resilient (mine survived amm. levels of 2.0 or higher before I knew more about this hobby) but only add one. Your tank is still VERY new and it takes a while for the cycling stage. I think I speak for all of us when I say do not, DO NOT add anything like frags, anemone, ployps, etc. for at least 4-6 months after the tank has been established. Else you'll have another disaster on your hands.