Need some help vets...

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ok guys, I have a yellow Tang question. If you giuys could help it would be sweet. My Yellow tang is about 2" in diamiter(medium) and he has been in my tank for about a week-two weeks now. He has been fine and been eating great. I just noticed some dots on him(all over) does not look like ick but like bumps coming uot from under the skin. The only thing I have done to my tank today was add a puffer valitini. I did not see these bumps on the tang yesterday.... what do you think....???

Thanks guys...


Edit: ok starting to see some white spots(on fins mostly), still does not look like true ick??

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Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
:( no, but dont tell me I deserv it none of my other fish have ich..And this showd up like in one day..he has been fine for a while....

well maybe I should do a fresh bath...its probably ich, man this sux what should I do as far as my other fish go?(get the yt out of there?) thanks man

Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
A fresh bath hasn't been proven to do anything to ich. In all respect, yeah, you deserve it. You really should've QT'd it. From what I read, and correct me if I'm wrong, tangs are prone to ich.

Taking it out now isn't going to do anything. If one fish has it, they've all got it. Remember, the white spots are only a sign of tissue damage. The ich itself is in the fish already and has probably spread to your other fish, and it's showing signs of its damage now.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
I thought ich was a parisite that lived in the water and not in the fish?? and yes tangs are prone to also staring my qt tomorow not like I need it my tank is stocked..

----can someone awnser the ich question(were ich lives)----lol, thanks


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ich lives on the fish, drops off, goes to the substrate for a few weeks, multiplies * 200 or so, then swims back to the fish, lives on the fish for a few days.....

Sounds to me like you have ich, as well as far to many fish. Freshwater dips won't do anything, you need to rehome and treat all of your fish, outside of your tank, for 6 weeks.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
All of my fish...? rehome to a QT tank. This sux well. I can take them to work with me and put some into a tank with a whole bunch of cleaner shrimp...

As far as killing off the ich, ??can you I didnt think you could I cant tuse any copper or anything cuz my inverts..will the ich spread from my tang if I pull him?? thanks

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ahh, the harsh true'th...:( well I do have very good filtration.. lol.. thanks guys.. I think ill pull the tang and heat the water to about 84 and drop the salinitie to 1.018 or so, and see were it goes from there. once again thanks for all the help..


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Why waste your time doing that? What is heating the water to 84 meant to do, and 1.018 is totally ineffective against almost all forms of ich - when people talk about hyposalinity they're talking 1.009, 1.010.

And all cleaner shrimp do is clean off scar tissue - they don't touch the embedded parasite. Cleaner shrimp don't need to deal with this in the wild, ich is primarily a problem parasite for captive fish - in the open ocean the vast volume of water means the ich parasite never reaches problem levels.

The cures for ich are well known, and they are the ones that work. Messing around like this 'because you hope something nice might happen' usually results in lots of dead fish.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
So what is the cure??pull the fish and treat with what? I just added 2 clearner wrass to my tang. (they completely got red of the visible ich on my tang..) But now my puffer has it bad.. Do i realy need to pull all my fish?

about my tank being over stalked..Y is it over stalked..If i pull half my damsles would that help..

thanks for tellin it how it is wayne.. but what would you do for the problem?


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
did you not read what wayne wrote? It didnt take all of the ich off, it just took the visible scar tissue of the surface of the fish...just because you cant see it doesn't mean it isnt there...just a warning.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sadly true, there is no evidence whatsoever that cleaner wrasse eat ich, the parasites have never been found in a gut search.
I suspect it is in the stage of being on in/out cycles ... few days ich, few days no ich.

In all honesty I would pull all the fish and split them in two tanks. One will have most/some of the damsels, the wrasse and the gobies blennies. Copper this tank. The other would have copper sensitive fish like the yellow tang and the puffer, and I'd treat this with real hypo. I would also put some of the other damsels I did not mean to sell in this tank. Iwould keep everything in these tanks for 6 weeks.
The blennies are going to be a pain to treat, but have to come out. They are a pain as they will be hard to feed, to say the least, but it has to be done.

You are currently in the stage where you think you have ich cured - sadly I tihnk it will return - it is not that easy to shift

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
thank you. I will try to make that happen. But onestly that realy BLOWS. I have to set up two new fish tanks. .ahhhh no "rid ich" or anything chemical like that...will work. I know what you guys are saying its just hard to accept the fact.