Need some help

I've got an idea but i need some opinions and advice. I have an extra 55 gallon tank that i want to find room for and get it cycled.

Anywho. I would like to buy 1 Jack Dempsey, 1 Green Terror, and 1 Black Convict all as juviniles and raise them. Would they all work out fine in a 55 gal when their older?.:confused:

Is a 55 gal a good enough tank size so when these guys are older there is some room left:confused:


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sarnia Ontario
I'd have to say the 55 would be too small for when they get older, but I am sure you could house them in the 55 until juvies without much problem. Mind you, they are aggressive fish ;)


Superstar Fish
May 16, 2003
Springfield, MO
ditto to the above.

beautiful fish, and not kept often enough in the hobby.

one of the few cichlids where the female is the more colorful of the sexes, but both are gorgeous fish indeed.

oddly enough, i was reading in some old literature a few weeks ago about how the nicaraguensis will raise Dovii fry in areas where the 2 species are sympatric in the wild.

cool huh?