need some help!

Jul 29, 2012
daytona bch
ok i wouldent say im completly new to this i some things...but anyway i have a 55g tank running a fluval 404 and a duel bio weel hang on back(more than enouph filtration) i used sand for a substrate. i have a tiger oscar 6-7in , jack dempsey 4-5in and a pleco 5-6in. the tank was established and running great than all of a sudden after a water change/vacume it clouded up and have had elivated ammonium and nitrate issues right at dangerus levels...have done at leat two water changes and still not much of a change. im at a loss at what i did to cause this and short of water changes not sure what els to do. so my ?s being what did i do wrong and were to go from here


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
how long has it been running? is it cycled? how often are the water changes? how much? are you feeding more lately? Try a larger water change daily until the levels come back to normal... I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'm relatively new at fish... A totally cycled tank doesn't go into a cycle unless something major is thrown off. Could the new water have killed the beneficial bacteria? Did a fish die or was something added? How old is your test kit? if it's liquid, are you making sure to wait the allotted time and to shake the bottles that need shaking? Sorry I'm no real use.

Jul 29, 2012
daytona bch
Aquarium Advice Newbie

Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 2 ok...its been running for like 3 plus months now i would say i do a 25-30% water change a week...i did miss a week befor the water change that i hade the dead fish and feeding is the same tell the issue fish arnt eating as mush form the discomfort i presume...nothing reaaly chnged just missed the one water change and here i am lol...could that hav coused all this


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
One missed water change shouldn't make that much difference...

Did you totally change / clean your filters at the same time? Maybe disturbing both took a toll on the bacteria.
Or, is your sand bed particularly deep? It could have had a pocket of eew that was disturbed into the water...

Keep up with the testing and water changes at this point. You can also do ammo-lock or some such to make the ammonia less toxic, keep in mind if you do this the ammonia will still show up on your tests.

Good luck.