Need some info/ advice re: siamese algae eater


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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Hi guys! Just wondering what your experience with siamese algae eater, I'm really curious. I saw them in the store and they seem pretty awesome. I did a bunch of reading about them too and they seem to be quite amazing. I'm just curious, I have 5 pink danios swimming around my 20 gal. .... I have 5 healthy danios so far... Now I'm thinking, would it be possible for me to add a couple of of those SAE in my 20 gal?

What do you think?

Many thanks in advance! :D


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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I've had otos before, and they too were super sweet but the only thing for me is that they were super shy and rarely come out when the light's on. I saw SAE and they were super active and lively swimmers.... is it always the case for you, that once they get older they don't eat algae anymore? or they are just normally like that? I'd like to have an algae eater that doesn't tire out of eating algae... lol

Thanks again.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
A 20g is too small for SAEs. I've got 3 in my community 55g and they are easily 4-5" @ 2yrs old. They are very entertaining fish. Very active and happy to see you. Like said, they are total piglets and go nuts over what ever you're trying to feed your other fish.

They spend their day skimming all the decor, hardscape and substrate for goodies, but definitely LOVE to eat flake food, etc..