I recently bought 2 bloody parrot fish, one blue and one pink. (named cotton & candy). Now the tank they are in is planted on one side, clear on the other (for viewing and "open water" space.
Now the question i have is, is it normal for the two parrots to be constantly hiding in the plants. They just dont seem to want to move very much. At the LFS they seemed active and swam around with others. When i first put them in my tank they stayed in the open water but mainly hovering, nearly resting on the bottom.
As soon as they discovered the plants they just find a spot wedge themselves in the leaves and stay there not moving. sometimes being verrtical, sideways, even upside down sometimes.
In reading up on them i found out they are very shy and can take anywhere from a week to a month or more to get used to their environment and be "social".
Which brings me back to my question, are they just being shy and normal, or should i be concerned that they keep wedging themselves in plants and chillinf for hours? any help or insight is welcome seeing as i spent basically 30$ a piece and would like to appreciate the investment and not be concerned its stuck or dying, or just going to be hidden 24/7.
I recently bought 2 bloody parrot fish, one blue and one pink. (named cotton & candy). Now the tank they are in is planted on one side, clear on the other (for viewing and "open water" space.
Now the question i have is, is it normal for the two parrots to be constantly hiding in the plants. They just dont seem to want to move very much. At the LFS they seemed active and swam around with others. When i first put them in my tank they stayed in the open water but mainly hovering, nearly resting on the bottom.
As soon as they discovered the plants they just find a spot wedge themselves in the leaves and stay there not moving. sometimes being verrtical, sideways, even upside down sometimes.
In reading up on them i found out they are very shy and can take anywhere from a week to a month or more to get used to their environment and be "social".
Which brings me back to my question, are they just being shy and normal, or should i be concerned that they keep wedging themselves in plants and chillinf for hours? any help or insight is welcome seeing as i spent basically 30$ a piece and would like to appreciate the investment and not be concerned its stuck or dying, or just going to be hidden 24/7.