Need some INFO

Sep 10, 2006

I just find this site and think that you all would be helpful for me and my new SW tank.
I have this 30 gl tank that I would love to start SW fish in it. I went to the fish store the other day and got all the things that I needed to make this happen. I added all the water and the salt and then did the Hydrometer tell that read right. Then I added in the live sand and put the filter and heater on to get all this going. Now keep in mind that I did a this yester day. But now the tank is cloudy and when I took out the filter it kind of look milky so I did clean all that off. Is this right, should it look like this now and will that clear up??

Now I did get a book called "AQUARIUMS" som what kind of good and still need more info on what I am doing.
the filter that I am using is a fesh water filter, I was told that I can ONLY use this if I am only going to have fish in the tank. Is this ok??

Now if I add reef in the tank I have to have better lighting and something called a wet dry filter.......WHAT IS THAT??

Can anyone tell me what else I would need if I wanted to do a reef and fish tank?? I see all the big words and dont have a clue at what some of them
I think that I am going to need all the help that anyone culd give me.


Feb 10, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Hey Cbrownfish, welcome to the tank.

Obviously saltwater fishkeeping is very difficult and expensive. Do you have any freshwater fish keeping experience. Or did you just decide to set up a 30 G reef one day?

I heard that it takes at least 1 day for the sand to settle. Don't worry about your tank looking cloudy. Worry about your water parameters and if you have the right equipment.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I would suggest at this point that you go and get a copy of the book "The New Marine Aquarium" it will tell you in lay terms what is necessary in setting up a marine tank. It is the best starting point at this stage.......welcome


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
cbrownfish said:

I just find this site and think that you all would be helpful for me and my new SW tank.
I have this 30 gl tank that I would love to start SW fish in it. I went to the fish store the other day and got all the things that I needed to make this happen. I added all the water and the salt and then did the Hydrometer tell that read right. Then I added in the live sand and put the filter and heater on to get all this going. Now keep in mind that I did a this yester day. But now the tank is cloudy and when I took out the filter it kind of look milky so I did clean all that off. Is this right, should it look like this now and will that clear up??
****Well I wouldnt start the filter while the sand is settling as particles will get sucked into the filter and get trapped in the filter pads (which did happen as you said you had to clean the filter.) Personally I would suggest sracping the filter pads (keep the filter on for additional water movement but pads will not benefit your tank**

Now I did get a book called "AQUARIUMS" som what kind of good and still need more info on what I am doing.
the filter that I am using is a fesh water filter, I was told that I can ONLY use this if I am only going to have fish in the tank. Is this ok??
*****Whos the author of this book? I have not heard of this book but by the sounds it may be a little outdatted. I would suggest picking upa copy of the New Marine Aquarium by Michael Paletta it would really help out. I read it when I satrted out and it gave me a good foundation to start with.*****

Now if I add reef in the tank I have to have better lighting and something called a wet dry filter.......WHAT IS THAT??
*******Well if you want the reef way as opposed to a FOWLR then yes you are looking at a different ball game. Lighting will depend on types of corals you want. You will need adequite flow and filtration (filtration should be from live rock and water moverment {from powerheads} not HOB filters or wet dry filters. And as for a wet dry filter you dont need on to run a reef tank. Im assumigng you tank is not drilled so I wouldnt even worry about hooking one up (or a sump for that matter)********

Can anyone tell me what else I would need if I wanted to do a reef and fish tank?? I see all the big words and dont have a clue at what some of them
I think that I am going to need all the help that anyone culd give me.

answered questions in above quote^^^

As for what else you would need for a reef:
live rock
protein skimmer
RO or RO/DI unit (this is not a absolute neccessity but would be highly beneficial to take out impurities from your tap)
Lighting (a halide pendant would do nice on a 30)
Test Kits
and above all you will need to research.

There are many stickies and accounts of people starting where you are and I highly reccomend rummaging around for threads (youll find tons)~ also the search function will be very helpful in your quest

Sep 10, 2006
I did have fesh water fish in the tank and then just wanted to do a salt water tank. So I go a little tank to put the two only fish that I had in the 30 gl tank and put them in the new one.

I have talked to my husband about getting a SW tank. I love the look of them........So neat, for me and the kids.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California

Whatever you do, don't put fish in the tank before you do a lot more research and get one of the books mentioned above. Believe me, the books will save you so much money and frustration.

Getting the setup right from the start with the help of the books and the forum will really give you a great tank!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Welcome to the SW world :)

There are also some stickies in the top of the SW and Nano section that will be of great help for the new comers, give them a read.

The cloudiness should subside in about 24hrs and as stated above if you can get a holed of that book it will be a good investment.

I hope you are using RO or distilled water in your tank...? Tap water in most area's is going to cause problems in the near future due to impurities. If you do not want to purchase an RO unit you can purchase bottled RO or Distilled water at your local Water or SuperMarket.

Sep 10, 2006
I hope you are using RO or distilled water in your tank...? Tap water in most area's is going to cause problems in the near future due to impurities. If you do not want to purchase an RO unit you can purchase bottled RO or Distilled water at your local Water or SuperMarket.

I have well water is that ok???
All that I have read that well water is the best water that you can have in a salt water tank...

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Actually, it is pretty much the worst water for a SW tank. It has too many metals, in too high concentration. It seems you will have to be making trips to get water from the fish store, or get an RO/DI unit as suggested above. The immediate thing you will want to do, to avoid wasting money, is READ. Paletta's "The New Marine Aquarium" was cited above, but I also recommend Robert Fenner's "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist".

Good luck, and welcome to SW!

Sep 10, 2006
kevin4052002 said:
Actually, it is pretty much the worst water for a SW tank.

Now what do I do:mad: ??? I put the well water in with the live sand and was going to get the live rock somethime this week. What can be done now that I have put all this stuff in the tank with all the money that I have spent ($200)???

I talk to some one at the store( a fish only store) where I got all the stuff from, and they told me that well water is OK!!!
This well water is like city water not water that you would get in the country well water.

Sep 10, 2006
I have been looking online and find that pet has what I think I need to have a reef in my 30gl tank.

Is this one a good one:
Millennium Wet-Dry Multi-Filters
Combines mechanical, chemical, and wet/dry biological filtration functions in an innovative and efficient tank mounted external filter unit.

For a skimmer is this one ok:
Berlin Air-Lift Internal Protein Skimmers
Compact protein skimmers efficiently remove harmful free floating bacteria and other pathogens and waste materials from seawater with triple pass technology. Feature separate water inlet and outlets and lime wood airstones.

Is there ANYTHING ELSE that is needing to make this happen??


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
Visit site
if you go reef, don't use wet/dry filters. They help to get rid of ammonia and nitrite but they don't convert nitrate into nitrogen. Nitrate accumulated in your reef will bother your inverts ...
Live rock will do the job for the harbors all the bacterias you need.
Berlin skimmers look ok but the most popular skimmer in this forum is the Remora. Like...efficient, no fuss and not that $$$.
Can't go wrong with that : ReefSolution Magasin En Ligne: 24" AQUALIGHT PRO
There are different types of reef..some corals need more light than other...depend what you wanna keep.
Anyways...i, personally, prefer metal halide..more powerful and last longer than fluo. They also have a ripple effect than fluo can't copy.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
Don't get the wet dry, it is a waste of money on that tank, spend the extra money on live rock, the lighting depends on if you want a reef or fish only...I would suggest again slowing down, getting some live rock and letting it sit in there for 2 months while you read up on the hobby and get all your questions answered, the well water should be fine initially, but you might have issues with it down the road. Just remember, patience is a virtue...go slowly and when in doubt, don't buy...wait it out, things will be there later on as well, and welcome to the hobby!



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I really suggest doing some more reading (especially the Mike Paletta book) before you spend any more money. The wetdry is complicated and likely not necessary at all (for most suituations an outdated technology). The Berlin airlift would not be a good choice as a beginner skimmer.
For lighting a twin 55 PC fixture would seem a reasonable start.

As you have found with the well water buying, doing beofre you research, understand will soon become expensive and demoralising. Have you read the stickied threads yet?

Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
I would never use well water in a tank. At the very least I would test it with a test kit personally first before I took anyones word for it. I use distilled bottled water I get from the grocery store. On occasion I do use tap water. If you can afford it a RO/DI unit would be the crystal clear way to go. This is not the hobby to rush into. I would take everyone's advice and read that book, it's a good one.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
As for "WHAT TO DO NOW" in regards to already using the well water... no big deal at this point, it would be down the road in the near future that you would see the effects if you continued using it. For now on when it comes time to do your water changes start using RO or Distilled water to replace the old, as well when you do your freshwater top-offs you should start using the RO or Distilled water.

Sep 10, 2006
Ok here is what I am going to do. I got the water and the sand in the tank, I am going to go and buy a live rock sometime this week and then put that in the tank. Ater that do I go and get the cleans?? If I get them I plane to wait for a month and get the fish is this right.

Then I might go on down the road and get reef, Just need to know about what system or filter that I use for that??
I know that I need a good light for that. I will get that soon. Should I get that for the live rock too??

Ok I got the point in the book reading. I do have one and I am looking at it all day. It is just hard to understand all this fish talk and have no clue what all it means.

Thank you for the water in the bottle part. I get that one.

So as for a filter part what one is a good one that I use on the tank that is 30gl. That is the one thing that I am not understanding.
Thanks for all the help.