Need stocking help


Small Fish
Sep 23, 2007
Tampa, FL
I'm having trouble as to what I can stock in my 29g (30" x 12" x 18"). It has a Penguin 200 and water was treated with Jungle Water Safe Plus and Jungle Aquarium Salt. I had 6 Danios in it, but they moved to my 10g and would like to do something different with this one. I really would like to do Gouramis or Cichlid, but any help on stocking it is helpful.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
You're most likely looking at a semi-aggressive community (or peaceful community if you get a dwarf gourami). A blue/gold/opaline/pearl/moonlight gourami will make a nice centerpiece in a 29g. You could do an angel too if you wanted to throw in the cichlid element as well, even though you were probably thinking African cichlids. You could have a gourami (maybe a pair, if you get 2 females or a male and female), and then lots of open room. You could do pretty much any other community fish in with a gourami - either a schooling fish or a group of livebearers. Plus bottom feeders... I like cory cats for the bottom, but yoyo loaches or a small pleco (like a bristlenose) would work too.