Need Suggestions


Medium Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Houston, Texas
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Hello me again...

ok....i have a 10 gallon tank with a betta, c.a.e. and a power filter and i just added a anachris plant today. My question is what would be decent lighting fixture/wattage i should get for my tank..(i have a glass top so i would need just the light part), also i am going to get one of those lil african frogs....they looked kinda cute when i saw them.

also i noticed lil snail like bugs on the walls of the aquarium, i think they were in the plant that i bought....should i be worried?


Jul 15, 2003
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A general rule of thumb is 2-3 watts of light per gallon. Anacharis is a minimal-medium light plant however so I think that just a standard aquarium light will be fine. They do make bulbs specially plants. I am sure that your lfs (or wherever you buy your stuff) will have what you need.

As for your snails, I don't know. There are some that eat plants and some that don't. More than likely they will eat plants if they came in on your plants. Check out

to see if you can identify them.

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
yeah anacharis grow like weeds. they'll just keep growing. once they grow long enough to where you ave 5" or so laying horizontal at the surface, clip it off and plant it.

I would agree with KeepingTheBeats theory, and that they're plant eating snails. To get rid of them, I read recently on this forum about a trick that sounds like it would work really well:

take a bottle and put some type of meat in there, sink it and wait over night. the snails should be all over it by morning. Rinse, repeat, until u have no snails.