Need SW Help


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Im am not sure what this stuff is on my husband tank. They are white little worm things and are EVERYWHERE!! Im wanting to know what they are and if there is a way to get rid of them. If I use the magnet to remove them they just appear again in a few hours. Thanks for the help in advance.



Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Feeding once a week is a bit tough on the fish. At least every other day... it's not like yourtank is brimming with obviously edible material.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ufff, tough to say. They could be planaria, but they could be a lot of other things too. It will be otugh to cutback on stuff to feed them tho....
I was going to say there likely isn't much in the way of organic waste in this tank, but is the sand clean or is there a leetle cyano in there ....? How long has it been up, and how's that sand bed looking?

Is that a gorgonian in there - is it meant to be alive? It looks to me like yes and yes but frankly it's pretty much certain to starve to death. The nonphotosynthetic ones are very hard to feed - the phytoplankton 'mixes' you get at the store are just so much pollution in a bottle for these guys. They need big tanks with big refugia to keep them going.