NEED TO BUY - Please help!


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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Please someone I need a bigger tank, at least 50g.But I dont have much money. I just went to go feed my fish and another one is dead, I've done all the tests and the tank seems fine, I think they just need more room. I'm willing to buy a larger tank if your willing to work out a deal, computer upgrades, repair, etc. Or any type of deal.

Please even just let me know if you hear of one for a good price.


Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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hi dez welcome to the tank.:D i dont have a tank to sell, but id suggest checking for adds in the newspaper, or garage sales. you live in Canada too, theres probably an aquarium auction you could go to.:)

i see 55gal tanks for sale for about 80-90 bucks for just the tank, at the lfs, but sometimes you can find an add in the paper and get the wholes setup for that much.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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at the lfs, what do you mean by that? Thanks for the help, but I've looked in all the classifieds and have now subscribed to 3 forums, and checked e-bay, I've found a couple and called them but the tanks were already sold. I'm really looking for a 50g or anything bigger for hopefully under $100, I'd pay more if access are included. Money is tight right now cause our business basically shut down for the holidays, just no customers, and I have a 7mo baby. So if you do hear of ANYTHING available in my price range, let me know?

Oh and I dont know of any auctons, if anyone hears of one I'd also like to know.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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ok, I feel stupid.. lol

I've check the stores around here, the cheepest I can find is a 55g starter sey for $250, iTs a good deal but I'm short. I'm saving up for it but its going to take awhile. So I'm hoping to find one cheeper, sooner, I dont want to wait too long, cause all my fish are stressed and slowly dieing off. My redtail shark wont leave his corner unless to chase the swordtail, and he is losing his color. If I had the money now I'd get the starter set but... I dont. I would settle for just a large tank /w canopy, as I can get the supplys for it for pretty cheep.


Small Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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You have a baby they need more room than your fish and no only that they take a lot of money fish for the most part are cheap take your time provide for your child and then the tanks will come.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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Thanks for the advice but my baby has everything he needs and soo much more, (he is soo spoiled) thats why I'm limited on fish funds, I have enough money every month to save, but its the large amount to buy right away that I have problems with. Thats also why I'm looking for a used tank, the supplies arent a problem. but I don need a larger tank so no more of my fish get stressed. My sister in law bought me some fish for Christmas, not think of the space limitations.. so its too crowded... anyways
Have a good one!

oh and I found a flea market in cloverdale, gonna check it possibly on Sunday, wish me luck in finding...

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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Dez- Im not saying its definate but what size is the red tail black shark? If he is mature he will get nasty with the other fish and he is probably the one to blame for these mystery deaths. Your tank didnt seem really really overstocked apart from the red tail. Monitor his behaviour and see what he does. In a 10 gallon he is going to want as much space as possible.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2004
Delta BC,Canada
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I solved the problem... I bought a 33g from Kato, at the bcaquaria forum (I thank him soo very much, and still owe him a couple bucks) I've now moved the fish over and everyone seems to be doing alot better, my problem with the other tank is my nitrite was way to high... in the 3.3 range... I dont believe it was the shark, hes really calm and kinda keeps to himself, and he is still quite young.
And he wasent the cause of the swordtail's death, they loved each other, were always side by side.

Thank-you all for the suggestions, post and pms.
Its nice to know that I have you all here if I have any other problems...

oh and I've added planted plants to the new tank for a more natural habitat... and I have not lost any more of my babies in a few days so I think things are looking good.