Need to know size of tank

Jul 1, 2010
My husband and I picked up a tank that was being given away. We have it filled with water to make sure it doesn't leak. I think it's a 30 gallon but would like to know for sure. These are the measurements.

36" long
17" high
12" wide

I would greatly appreciate anyone's help.
Thank you!!

Feb 27, 2009
The length x width x height (in inches) of a rectangular tank will the cubic inches in volume it holds. Divide that number by 231 and you get the gallons. 1 gallon = 231 cubic inches.

Your tank, based on those measurements, holds 31.79 gallons. If you measured the outside of the tank, the measurements are a little more when you take into account the thickness of the glass. I'd vote for 30 gallons :)


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
Aquariums are rated by how much water they displace, not how much they hold. eg. when placed in a big tub, a 55g tank will displace 55 gallons of water.

List of aquarium dimensions:

Fish Aquarium and Tank* Sizes and Characteristics, starting an aquarium, buying equipment, choosing tanks

Most online calculators do not offer the ability to consider the glass thickness in calculating actual volume, here is one that does:

Aquarium Volume Calculator (W.C.S. Ltd.)

Ok, I am being pedantic, but this is important for dosing and stuff like that.

Feb 27, 2009
Aquariums are rated by how much water they displace, not how much they hold. eg. when placed in a big tub, a 55g tank will displace 55 gallons of water.

List of aquarium dimensions:

Fish Aquarium and Tank* Sizes and Characteristics, starting an aquarium, buying equipment, choosing tanks

Most online calculators do not offer the ability to consider the glass thickness in calculating actual volume, here is one that does:

Aquarium Volume Calculator (W.C.S. Ltd.)

Ok, I am being pedantic, but this is important for dosing and stuff like that.
So what volume of water does an aquarium 'rated 55g' hold then?


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
The calculator that blue_ram suggested shows that tank being a 31.8 gallon tank like OrangeCones said (although it rounds up) it's a 30 gallon tank! *BOUNCINGS

Congratz on getting free 30 gallon tank hopefully everything is good and safe with it!! *thumbsups I'm in the process of attempting to obtain a relatively cheap 33 gallon tank (hood, lights, etc.) and stand. Which I will some how manage to fit into my bedroom which already contains my other two tanks! My mom (I live at home - poor university student, although I can afford my fish go figure :p) won't allow me to share my fish love with the rest of the house. *thumbsdow